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Lost Viking Assistant

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About This File

Lost Viking Assistant

(100% UN-Detectable!)


Hey all, just thought I would package up a small yet very helpful script I wrote to prevent myself from getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome while trying to get the Lost Viking achievements.


If you can't afford $80+ for a macro keyboard to spam the shoot key, this small program will do exactly that for you.



1. Load the program

2. Load SC2

3. Start "The Lost Vikings" game

Press F5 to toggle auto-shoot

5. Enjoy a SPAM-FREE Arcade experience!


F5 is the toggle switch. Press it on, press it off... you get the idea.


Yes, I know this is a simple program... but simplicity never hurt, when functionality pays. I am a very capable software engineer so if anyone has any ideas for something I can do that is NEW AND CREATIVE (no maphack requests or update _____ hack for patch 1.x.x.x requests ect...) I'd be GLAD to hear you out and perhaps give it a try.





What's New in Version   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.
