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About BFTS-Kon

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    $p4m m4$t3r

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  1. BFTS-Kon

    Two Map Requests

    Hey, wow, thanks, that was just so exceedingly clever. I would have never thought to just GOOGLE the maps, especially when they're two fairly obscure maps that not many people know, and Google isn't very reliable for Starcraft maps even if they ARE well known. Fucking dumbass. By the way, because you're obviously a fucking retard and probably don't understand sarcasm, let me say this. I have tried Google. Multiple times. Also, learn to read. The second one wasn't called Elemental Crossfire, I said it was like it. Thanks for nothing , moron. Protip: Try googling it first before you do that as well, to make sure its actually on there. When the first post on both of them is MY post looking for them, it probably means they're not on there. Again, you're a dumbass.
  2. BFTS-Kon

    Two Map Requests

    Hello all. I'm searching for two LOTRish maps in particular, one of which I don't know the name of it. The first one is called "Battle in the Night Sky" or something similar to that. It is a lotrish about the constellations and stuff fighting. The second one is extremely similar to a LOTRish called Elemental Crossfire. However, this one has races instead. The evil team included Changlings and Lycans and the good team included Vampires and Gargoyals. I remember that the Changlings had a scout. Any help on these would be appreciated, and a download link would earn you a hug. Or a cookie. Your choice.
  3. Hello all. I'm searching for two LOTRish in particular, one of which I don't know the name of it. The first one is called "Battle in the Night Sky" or something similar to that. It is a lotrish about the constellations and stuff fighting. The second one is extremely similar to a LOTRish called Elemental Crossfire. However, this one has races instead. The evil team included Changlings and Lycans and the good team included Vampires and Gargoyals. I remember that the Lycans had a rine and that the Changlings had a scout. Any help on these would be appreciated, and a download link would earn you a hug. Or a cookie. Your choice.