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The Drama Withen

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Alright Your admin XGhozt as asked that we (the staff) post a blog about something well... I am going to do a topic that he actually mentioned in the message he sent me... Not because he gave me the idea >.> In fact this is what I was going to write about when I read the title of the message.


So, here we go;


For fuck sakes, stop all the drama! I mean one of our staff has left because of this drama, I mean come on!. Why do you have to do shit just to piss people off? Now, that being said, when people do piss you off, don't bring it on Ghoztcraft! Now, why you do this? I really don't know, but you guys should stop doing that shit before we lose more members. There's no reason for it!



Radio Drama;


Now this is also an issue between the old prankshows and the normal djing sessions at GHURadio.com. The real issue is that people get pissed off at what the Dj is saying and decides that they want to post about it on Ghoztcraft. Well, I'm going to say this here and now. We don't care what offends you on the GHURadio! The idea is free speech, and we're going to abuse it, don't like it, don't listen!



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well I'd just like to say that the Drama on GC is terrible, we are always posting in the flame boards about each other calling each other names and making big cries about each other. most of the time this is because a conversation over Radio, look guys none of the people should talk behind other peoples back over the radio. we have about i don't know 5 people have left from being insulted over the radio.


also another thing is with we don't agree with each other, now if you don't agree with someone don't start a flame about that person and then get the whole site in stress. now i don't want to point out anyone but i am just writing this message because I'm just annoyed at the behavior of GC members and there response to others.


the main point of this blog entry is just stop picking fights over the internet and get over it.

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I think the drama is over now.. lol

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What drama? I completely missed it.

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Yeah I do too. I havent seen any drama besides that since I came here.

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Gc is kind of like a weird e-family.. Everyone always sticks up for everyone else. You're either the one person everyone hates or in with the crowd. In any case, if one person gets offended everyone sticks together until an agreement is reached. Which ends up in "drama".

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Gc is kind of like a weird e-family.. Everyone always sticks up for everyone else. You're either the one person everyone hates or in with the crowd. In any case, if one person gets offended everyone sticks together until an agreement is reached. Which ends up in "drama".


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if you guys don't know what drama im talking about, talk to lp because im too lazy to explain :)

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This is what happens when you get emotionally attached to stupid forums and what happens online. You should say what you want to say and if people don't agree with you, then you don't have to lash back out on them because it hurt your little feelings. It is ridiculous to take things as far as they did. I am talking to you Lost Prodigy. You put too much of your emotion into the forums. If you are too immature and young to handle what happens and what people think then you should not be here wasting your valuable time.

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Like I feel like explaining what is so deeply rooted in GC's core?

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don't bring it on Ghoztcraft!

The internet is not here for your problems. Especially if your a mod and your all flippo on the members. I myself think that the drama would be stopped if stuff didnt "change." Also cut down on the democracy crap. I mean its cool to voice your opinion but not use it every time ghozt changes something we hate...

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