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Poem About A Friend

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I just couldn't control myself...

when you walked around,

my knees fell to the ground

as you finally approched my mouth


Promise me you won't ever leave...

'cuz last time i nearly cried,

so hard my well ran dry

But I've fallen asleep now, and I'm living happily in waking dreams


Parades come then go and they rarely return...

leaving me covered in a thick white snow,

as i ask myself, just how low will i go?

to feel their warmth below, as it burns


Your silence is comforting...

when you clench tightly to my hair,

your moans let me know you are still there

as i start drooling


You knock on my door

depressed and feeling blue,

as i sit down infront of you

i beg and beg for more


I whisper quietly to myself

i should've never taken you to bed


Your a perpetual erection

like spermicide and rope,

you've become my fatal attraction

leaving my mouth gapping open


pm me or msg me if you dont understand

so i can laugh at you dumbass =P

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