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A man

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A Man ....


A man of such grace peace left a dream to be dreamed a legacy to be lived.

He left his blood on the side walk where he had died but his pride will never leave that spot.

A pride for the land he fought for a pride for the child and wife left behind a pride for he know what he did was right.

On his face was a smile knowing he had not died in vain but live on in every one he saved.

If blood is all he had to lose to make it stop he would would have cut his own vains and let peace flow from them, As his last tears dried on his face god had started to cry water flowed from the sky. And washed away the sins that was created that day clean his body and had called him son once again. His family stood firm and they covered him with his flag he fought to keep. in the back of there heads they knew twenty one shots was not enough to salute this mans life. crying was not present not a tear will be shed because they where happy he finally went home. seconds before they had lowered his body the sky cried no more and his mother said god bless the dead and god honers the living fighting to be dead marine you have not died in vain.

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Whoa, you're getting better at this. :(

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Great poem. Although what emotions I have left are the bare minimum so I can't really say much about it.

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same goes for me im not very know to have emotions but it come out when i write for some odd reason

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Wow thats just amazing work...Really nice job magic bitch...


P.S. sorry for the late response...

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