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Blizzard doesn't know how SC2 will end

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I thought this was an interesting read on IGN


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When I heard it probably wouldn't be out by 2011 I figured they didn't have much story past WOL. It kinda seemed that way even while playing WOL that they didn't really know what they were going to do. At least that's how I felt.

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Yeah, except it shouldn't be to hard to figure out except I think protoss should be the next expansion. We know what will happen to them and how Kerrigan and the zerg are needed to save all life.

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If Blizzards priorities for Sc2 where ranked, this is how it would go (from most to least important):

1) Multi-player game-play.

2) Graphics.

3) Mission Scenarios.





308) Storyline.


In my opinion, they put too little emphasis on the storyline. It needed to be engaging, with a MASSIVE and EPIC cliff-hanger at the end, to motivate players to continue purchasing the follow-up campaigns. Blizzard was banking off of the Multi-player game-play for WOL, not the storyline. This leaves them with two options for follow-up campaigns:


1) Update the multi-player game-play each campaign, giving players an incentive to re-purchase.

2) Have fewer return-customers because the storyline sucked, and they have no reason to continue it.


I am betting on number 2, as 1 can be counter-productive in most situations (and in particular their situation). 2 probably happened because they where banking 100% on the multi-player (which is how it should have been for Starcraft), and follow-up campaigns where simply expected to make less money (that not being an issue because of the revenue generated from the first release, WOL).


You may then say, new mission scenarios can give customers incentive to repurchase. While this is true, do you know how hard it is to come up with new mission scenarios? Blizzard reused MANY scenarios from their previous games (especially from War3), which just testifies to the fact that it is hard to come up with new mission scenarios. With the same old scenarios in the new game as the previous games, there is little (if any) incentive for customers to repurchase for that reason.


All-in-all: Blizzard could have done a MUCH job better on the Storyline. They didn't, so don't expect anything spectacular from their next Sc2 release.

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Yeah. I felt there were a lot of flaws in the story and plot itself, and I disliked all the retconning they did.



It looks pretty tho! pedo.png

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I noticed re used mission scenarios but I want to know what the fuck happens!

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