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The effects of violent video games?

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This is some crappy article, but it does bring up a question.


What do you think about "violent games" and its effects on the youth and the general population?


I personally believe that there are various other influences that can put the development of people off-track, and this isn't really the most significant one. In fact, if people are old enough to realize that it's just a *game* (and you don't have to be a rocket scientist for that, just about a bit more than 11 years old, MAYBE) then it's unlikely that it would even make anyone more aggressive - in fact, they could release stress and hence *reduce aggression*.


So all those idiots who think this is the cause behind aggression and school violence and all that crap - no, it's because of bad parenting and also the degrading, humiliating environment that all the assholes create in public schools, that *force* the poor kids' hands to do something radical to change their situation. That's what I think, anyways.



What do you think?

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It says it on the box, if your not 18, don't buy gta IV

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It says it on the box, if you're not 18, don't buy gta IV


True, but the question is, if a 12 years old does actually play with GTA IV, would it influence him any worse than watching TV?

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it's unstoppable, let's face it, people are influenced everywhere they look, whether it be violently or not is irrelevant.

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it's unstoppable, let's face it, people are influenced everywhere they look, whether it be violently or not is irrelevant.


It is unfortunate - and if parents designed a proper program, and education also broadcasted any sort of values apart from when the Gulf War began, then maybe the media wouldn't have such an influence.

It's always easier to blame something "out of our control" than ourselves for our own mistakes. Errors in raising children and violence are quite one of them.


To be honest, I think they should teach in school what they think "the kids learn at home from their parents because they already know *how*".

Because as you can see: "no they don't.".

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