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About kidblaze

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  • Birthday 02/13/1997

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    Lincaln Park MI. 48146

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    INVALID! INVALID! The fallowing recipiants don't apply! INVALID!
  1. I was born carless and stupid, but now I see the world for its true self, I used to see a peacful globe of expanding wonders but now! all I see is a raging war of bloodshed and tears. This everlasting war amung humanity is meaningless and undefined! Please, just please tell me, why are we fighting? Why can't we end this here and now? My emotions race through, and my eyes have been open

  2. kidblaze

    A letter to that hero

    :thumbsup: *luaghs in joy* Man Magic you are a true artist in the form of poetry. My tears shed faster than a python's skin, my emotions raced faster than 34 nascar, and my eyes rianed hurrican katrina. Man you are a burning soul in fear of the loss of your dear viper, but remember, you can use that fear to predict your next move. I sense your compassion and your feelings. fallow Viper, use your fear and think ahead, use your compassion and shed tears toward the falling of your enemies, and use your cuorage to burst through the war in a blaze of glory! I just know that your dear Viper shall end society's soul raging ways and end the everlasting war of humanity. The only thing you have to do to accomplish these dreams is to believe _ _ ; > ; V