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About p00onu

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    Adv4nc3d Member

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  1. p00onu

    Where can i find an hosthack?

    There are a few different ways of making a hosthack. Modifying the host address and player slots is just one of them.
  2. p00onu

    Hacking Project

    I dont care about simple hacks.
  3. p00onu

    Hacking Project

    I'm talking beyond the level of simple hosthacks and macros. Last time I checked GC leeches all of its hacks from other sites. With the exception of the recently purchased Ghozt.dll... But even that wasn't made by a GC member.
  4. p00onu

    Hacking Project

    You realise that GC does not have any resident hackers?
  5. p00onu

    PrintOut Text on Game Start

    I am willing to help people and explain things but your stupid ass comment was in no way helpful. What baffles me is that you claim that you can reverse engineer a text printing function but you cant figure out how to change the color? It is a byte header. It doesn't take Einstein to figure out that all of sc's client sided text with color uses byte headers with the exception of statically printed text which I am very sure you cant figure out on your own. If you really could reverse the text printing function then you would have seen the byte header staring you in the face. Edit: CE is for noobs... get Artmoney.
  6. p00onu

    PrintOut Text on Game Start

    You are one to talk. Why do you go and shut the fuck up until we see you trying to sniff out functions too.
  7. p00onu

    PrintOut Text on Game Start

    I know what I'm doing. I explained how to find it in my last post.
  8. p00onu

    PrintOut Text on Game Start

    Ok then. Get a message to come up like not enough supplies or whatever. Then when it is up, search in the memory for that text string. That will give you the buffer for the text. Wait for the text to disappear and then set a write bp on that address and get the message to come up again. When it pops, you will be at the place where the text string is written to the buffer, execute till return and then step into the address and you will land right after the call to the local text printing function.
  9. p00onu

    Starcraft Drophack

    No more drophacks for you fgts :P
  10. p00onu

    Bug Fixes

    I was waiting until they release the next patch to fix the bugs.
  11. p00onu

    PrintOut Text on Game Start

    Are you trying to print the text only to your sc client or are you trying to send text to all players?
  12. p00onu

    Starcraft Drophack

    XGhozt is a fucking liar. He lied to me twice, and I have known since a few days after it was posted that he backstabbed me again.
  13. p00onu

    Starcraft Drophack

    Maybe I should release one because XGhozt lied to me. He told me he wouldn't post it, he posted it, i talked to him, he took it down, and reposted it on March 4th in the VIP section and said it was Zynastor's drophack.
  14. p00onu

    Penguin Plug hacks

    Actually, it is true.