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Diablo II

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Diablo II Hacks & Bots

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  1. Diablo II CD Key Changer

    A program that can change the CD key for Diablo II.
    How to use the refiller
    way 1: maunal refill cdkey
    edit auto-cdkey.reg,set:
    then import the registry file again and start refiller
    to refill both cdkeys.
    way 2: auto refill cdkey, set 1 cdkey(game default)
    edit auto-cdkey.reg, set:
    also set "d2cdkey" and "d2xcdkey" to the cdkey you want.
    then import the registry file again and start refiller.
    to refill both cdkeys.
    way 3:auto refill cdkey, using multiple cdkeys (need d2loader)
    first copy cdkey.mpq to your diablo2 folder.
    edit auto-cdkey.reg, set:
    also set "d2cdkey" and "d2xcdkey" to the cdkey you want.
    then import the registry file again and start refiller.
    to refill both cdkeys.
    then the new cdkey you set will be both stored in cdkey.mpq
    (in diablo2 folder)
    if you want to use this cdkey, start d2loader with option
    "-mpq cdkey.mpq" (without quota)
    e.g: i assume your diablo2 is in directory c:\diablo2.
    create two shortcuts,
    1: c:\diablo2\diablo ii.exe -w
    2: c:\diablo2\diablo ii.exe -w -mpq cdkey.mpq
    start shortcut 1 if you want to use cdkeys stored as game default
    start shortcut 2 if you want to use cdkeys stored in cdkey.mpq
    also, if you have more cdkeys, repeat way 3 and create more shortcuts
    with different -mpq option set.
    ps: to show cdkey in special MPQ file, use: showcdkey <filename>
    (you may also find showcdkey tool at http://onlyer.top263.net)



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