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Exhale Interface Management

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1 Screenshot

About This File

Exhale is a fully featured interface management system for the StarCraft platform.


You can create, move, and fill windows with whatever content you desire using premade functions that make it easy to build a stunning interface. Exhale is provided as an open source project.


You are welcome to include the Exhale source in your own projects to create your own interfaces, as long as you add the appropriate credits to the final product. I encourage you to make your releases open source.




- Window management including motion animation, opening and closing, animated dock icons, and a fully interactive window dock.

- Trasparent or opaque windows.

- Pre-made text buffers for windows, as well as the ability to add your own content.

- Coordinate bounds checking.

- Window focus management.

- Fully functional sound engine.

- Open source!


You can view a movie demonstrating some of the features here.



Download Information


You can download the executable demonstration of some of the basic features of Exhale here. You will require version 1.15.2 of StarCraft or Brood War and may need to alter the settings file to reflect your installation.


You can discuss or download the source code in this thread.
