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Forsaken ops

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About This File



Creator: Anubis


Added mimic, repeat, and spam bans

Added hybrid filtering - Allows for simultaneous automatic filtering and standard phrase filtering

Added tracking of unbanned users

Added HTML chat logging

Added option to disable the window fade animation for profile switching

Added ability to edit profile names

Added automatic marking of the current profile as gray instead of black in the Profiles menu

Added new garbage handling method - Should help improve resource management

Added ping command

Added option to disable window transparency

Added Action Flood Ban function

Added safetags, safeadd, and safedel commands

Added tagbans, tagadd, tagdel commands

Added autobans, autobanadd, autobandelete commands

Added hardcoded autobans function*


Replaced connection class


Increased Action Flood threshold to help with automatic chat filtering


Updated disconnect detection function to support new class

Updated kick and ban functions to allow overriding safelist checking

Updated ban detection and tracking to attempt to resolve duplicate ban issue

Updated access checking function to allow searching by name and access amount ("!a name* >90")

Updated form code to prevent resizing

Updated access amount of 2 to be considered a safetag - Wildcard tags can be added

Updated Database class to support new access modifications

Updated queue delays to add a slight increase

Updated options window for a layout change

Updated CheckSafelist() to ignore channel operators


Fixed spelling error in connection error message

Fixed automatic reconnect function

Fixed "Mark As Safe" menu option - Now takes effect immediately

Fixed bug allowing creation of duplicate database entires for a single user

Fixed bug causing database to not save a user's modified access amount

Fixed CheckSafelist() recent ban checking routine

Fixed command parsing error in the join command

Fixed bug preventing a custom BNLS server from being stored properly
