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Lobby Crash v1.0.0

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About This File

This is a new Lobby Crash Hack by Allah. Hotkey is Insert - use it in a Lobby, and crash all players within!


.____ ___. ___. _________ .__

| | _____ |___ |__ ___.__. _ ___ ____________ _____| |__

| | / _ | __ | __ < | | / /_ __ __ / ___/ |

| |__( <_> ) _ _ ___ | ____| | // __ ____ | Y

|_______ ____/|___ /___ / ____| ______ /|__| (____ /____ >___| /

/ / // / / / /

___ ___ __

/ | _____ ____ | | __

/ ~ __ _/ ___| |/ /

Y // __ ___| <

___|_ /(____ /___ >__|_

/ / / /



Produced by : Allah and Jiggie

Starcraft Broodwar 1.16.1

Version 1.0.0



Reason for release:

I warned Zynastor to not make/release protection.





Just inject and in the lobby press Insert
