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NukeBlitz [Nuke Anywhere]

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About This File

NukeBlitz.dll v1.0.3

StarCraft:Brood War

Made by Jiggie

Nuke Anywhere 1.16.1



Nuke Anywhere:

Does exactly what you think, and let's you nuke from anywhere to anywhere,

accross the map. Now, that being said it functions slightly different than

the other versions released by the other authors. First you obviously need

a ghost and a nuke built in a silo somewhere. You don't need to actually

select anything - they just have to exist on the map. Hold down the CTRL and

right click where you want to nuke.



I included a detector, so if somebody else uses this hack on the map you'll

be notified.


Nuke Control:

The old ghetto version from back in the day that let's you select the nuke

and move it as if it were a super-fast-flying-unit-without-vision. Tell your

ghost to nuke a nearby spot. When the nuke starts to lift from your silo

press HOME, and the nuke is now selected. Right click to interrupt the

nuking process. You can now move it around. Hoorah. While the nuke is

selected, Ctrl+right click to launch.





v1.0.0 - Initial release.

v1.0.1 - Fixed tiny bug that could have caused you to desync.

v1.0.2 - Fixed the crash that occured randomly on occasion.

v1.0.3 - Fixed compatibility issue with Oblivion.dll.

- Fixed bug where you could have lost your selections.

- Fixed bug causing nukes to slide to top left corner when nuking.





Jiggie - cooked up the dll.

Frost - helped.

Heinermann - helped with crash bug.

Hellinsect - helped with crash bug too.
