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Bulk Trade Helper

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About This File

Move 40 1x1 items, from your inventory to the trade screen.


I have written an autoit script to move 40 1x1 items, from your inventory to the trade screen. In the future I may update it to allow different sizes, such as 2x1 for Keys. Open the script, and it will run in the background like the act3 aura merc script.


Open a trade screen with someone, press Insert, and it will move all the 1x1 items at a fast rate. It will work in any Windows screen resolution, windowed or full screen, but your Diablo II must be in 800x600 mode. Press Delete to terminate. I hope it is as useful to you as it is to me.



Bulk Trade Helper


You can compile this AutoIt script here.



;Bulk Trade Helper by wcpyro

;This script must be run in 800x600 mode, due to the way that it moves the mouse.

;Thanks to Snarg for the Pause/Terminate functions from a3 Merc Script


AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 2) ;This way it works with any window placement, or full screen


Global $Paused

HotKeySet("{INSERT}", "TogglePause")

HotKeySet("{DELETE}", "Terminate")


While 1




Func TogglePause()

$Paused = NOT $Paused

For $Paused = 1 to 1 step +1

$xu = "432" ;This is the center of the first column of your inventory

$yu = "332" ;Same but of row

$xt = "112" ;Center of first column of trade screen

$yt = "331" ;Same yet again *gasp*

$times = "1"

$times2 = "1"


For $times = 1 to 4 Step +1


For $times2 = 1 to 10 Step +1

MouseMove($xu, $yu, 3)


MouseMove($xt, $yt, 3)


$xu = $xu + "29" ;Moves mouse forward 29 pixels

$xt = $xt + "29"



$yu = $yu + "27" ;Moves mouse down 27 pixels

$yt = $yt + "27"

$xu = "432" ;Reset to first Column of items

$xt = "112"






Func Terminate()

Exit 0

