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About This File

Works only offline or if everyone in your Game is running the SpeedHack.


The SpeedHack is a OFFLINE hack. So you can NOT use it on BNET (or only if everyone in your Game is running SpeedHack).


by b_1


How to use:

1.Run speedhack.exe and extract the files wherever you want.

2.Run StarCraft


a)Run load.exe if you want to play Offline with SpeedHack


b)Log into Battle.net and run load.exe if you want to use SpeedHack with your Friends


4. If you chose 2a: Ingame press F10 and set the Game Speed to 7

(2=With speedhack= 4

4=With speedhack= 8

7=With speedhack= 14 etc.)


If you chose 2b:Start a game and make sure everyone in your game has the speedhack



Commands: F11 - SpeedHack Off

F12 - SpeedHack On(Standard)


5.Have fun!


SpeedHack by b_1

Tutorial by v_2

