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EasyPlay Free

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About This File

This small document gives a more detailed description of the commands in EasyPlay.


3.0 Final Changes:-

-Added \"EnableRecursivePathing\" and \"EnableCPUIntensivePathing\" options, and removed \"EnableExtremePathing\" option

-Re-worked pathing (minor changes)

-Added new \"block\" option (identical syntax to \"filter\" option) to block packets

-Added \"DrawSpecialVector\" and \"DisableAllVectors\" options to config.ini, so free users can disable vectors completely more easily

-Added missing vector in act1 town

-Added \"Priority\" option to pickit (items.ini for details)

-Added new \"pickit_const.ini\" file to Settings folder, aswell as new comments in items.ini to make manual editing of items.ini easier

-Added command-line options for EasyLoad (-OPT/-PDIR/-PID options)

-Fixed bug with \"DrawWaypointVector\" and \"DrawLevelTargetVector\" in config.ini

-Fixed \"IgnorePotsOnFullBelt\" option in items.ini (now also considers belt type)

-Fixed bug with FastTP function that occured if multiple TP tomes in cube/stash and inventory

-Fixed pickit to temp-disable itself if cursor item

-Fixed minor inaccuracy with \"AutoCloseNPCTalk\" option

-Fixed bug with news (now updates news from GM.net properly)

-Optimized code (better performance)

-Updated config syntax to allow better visual attractive settings

-Updated for EasyBot RC4 (not backward compatible)

-Updated documentation (config/readme). New Readme_EasyLoad.txt,Readme_Commands.txt files





The Basics



What is a command and how do I access it?


EasyPlay offers various special features, that can only be accessed by the command-line. You can access the command-line by typing a chat message in channel or in-game. For EasyPlay to recognize that you are communicating with EasyPlay and not with the game itself, you need to pre-fix your chat messages with a special character. The default character is a '.' (dot). You can change the default pre-fix character by setting the "ConsolePrefix" option in config.ini


Example: ".help"


IF you type ".help" as chat message into channel or in-game, EasyPlay will recognize the command "help" (the pre-fix character is obviously ignored) and block your chat message from being processed by Diablo II. That means, if you pre-fix a chat message with the special pre-fix character, only EasyPlay will know about it. In this case, the "help" command will print all available commands in EasyPlay.



The Commands



All commands will be described in three pieces (in the described order, possibly mulitple lines per piece):-


a) The command name

b) The command syntax

c) The command description

d) Example

e) Example2, ..


Each command will be seperated by a new line. Numerical values will be surrounded by < > characters. Optional parameters are surrounded by [ ] characters. Exclusive OR parameters seperated by / character. Note: Examples should solve any possible incompatabilities with your brain. ;) Also, examples will use default pre-fix character (dot). Not every command is available in the free version (most aren't!).




load <name>

Loads a plugin <name>. Note: Default Plugin directory is "Plugins", unless specified otherwise with the -PDIR option (see Readme_EasyLoad.txt) for details.

".load EB"



unload <name>

Unloads a plugin (see "load" for details)

".unload EB"



send <data>

Sends a game-server packet to Diablo II. Note: Value for <data> is interpreted as HEXADECIMAL!

".send 5001000000000000"



recv <data>

Spoofs a Diablo II received packet (i.e. EasyPlay will make the Diablo II client "think" it received the packet). Note: Value for <data> is interpreted as HEXADECIMAL!

".recv 7514"




List all loaded plugins




info <name>

Display specific info (credits, author, etc.) for module <name>

".info EB"




Clears the channel chat text field for you (similar to pressing "n" in-game)




chicken hp[/mp/mode] <life>[/<mode>]

Set chicken options in-game. Note: Any changes will only stay in affect until you quit Diablo II

".chicken hp 50"

".chicken mp 25"

".chicken mode 1"




Teleport to safe location (see "Safety Settings" in config.ini for details)





Prints spell numbers for current left/right selected spells. Useful to configure EasyBot, for example.





Print your player coordinates, aswell as the level number of your current player location. Useful to calculate offsets to adjust the vectors for plugins and EasyPlay.




move <X> <Y>

Move your player to a location. This is a FUN command (no real usage). Use values from "coord" command.

".move 3000 5000"




Print some infos about players in the current game




stash <SaveCols> <Delay in ms>

Stash your items (required to be in town)

".stash 0 300"

".stash 3 250"




Print iLvl of item that mouse is currently hovering




filter [r/s]/[recv/sent] [<ident>]/[on/off]

Sniff sent/recv game packets. Note: ident value is HEXADECIMAL

".filter r all" Display all received packets

".filter s off" Disable displaying all sent packets

".filter r 9c" Display received 9c packets (type this command a second time to toggle it off again)



block [r/s]/[recv/sent] [<ident>]/[on/off]

Block sent/recv game packets from being sent/processed by client. Syntax same as "filter" command.




search <game> [options]

search for games matching a pattern.

".search baal" Search for all games that have "baal" as part of their name.

".search info" Abort search process and print current results

".search abort" Abort current search process and do not print current results

".search set 10" Set required results to 10 (default is 5)



psearch <playername>

search for a player matching a pattern.

".psearch blizzsorc" Search all public games in same difficulty & realm as your player for player "blizzsorc"

".psearch info" Abort search process and print current results

".psearch abort" Abort current search process and do not print current results

".psearch set 500" Set required games to gather before processing them to 500 (default is 480)




Print some info about how to register EasyPlay





Print your CD-Key hash (last step required to register EasyPlay, IF you are a donor already). See manual for details

