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MapCrap + Source

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About This File

Draws a box with the players corresponding color over every unit on the map, and disables fog of war. Hotkey for toggling the hack is F8.


Load.exe was created by SC_Modder, and all credits

to him for it.


Draws a box with the players corresponding color

over every unit on the map, and disables fog of

war. Hotkey for toggling the hack is F8.


This is really just a demonstration for people who

want to make a maphack. You can easily modify this

to do a lot more than it does now, and thats how I

sorta intended it. If you do use this please give

proper credit and have fun, and I hope you learn

alot. Kthx.


Misc shouts/credit to Palo, zynastor, permy, p00

zyz, bulk. <3
