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1 Screenshot

About This File

Allows the host of a game to prevent plays on a blacklist from joining the game.


"Banlist" is a Starcraft utility which allows for the automatic loading and banning

of both Battle.net account names AND ip adresses.


It aims to allow users to more activley choose who they do and do not play with.






Banlist is a .dll, and thus needs to be injected with a seperate application.


You can find dll injectors at:





Please refer to the instructions provided with your injector for furhur assitance.





Hack Information:



Author: Ulliklliwi

For Starcraft: V 1.15.2

Hack Version: V 2.10


#NOTE: This Dll can Only be hosted at

bwhacks.com or Ghoztcraft.net.


Change Log




- Added blacklist commands to in-game chat engine

- Added config file

- Fixed the lining of the ip logs

- Fixed Bug with setting ip to blacklist incorrectly

- Fixed some more bugs




- Fixed a bug saving with invalid format do to not knowing ip.

- Fixed a bug with the auto baning not work and coloring host red do to invalid

Bool statement for know if your lobby or not.




- Added a new ip based banning system.

- Added ability to log names/ips.




- Converted for new patch.



Primary Commands/Features:



Note: To use a command, simply type it as listed below. Note that you CAN

manually add users and ip adresses to the blacklist file stored in your

starcraft directory.


-> 1) /BL Show

Displays a list of all users and ip adressess currently stored on your banlist.


Use: Type as shown: /bl show

Works-in: Game and Lobby



-> 2) /BL Add

Adds the username and ip adress of a user currently in the lobby to your list.


Use: /Bl add <name>

Where <name> is the username of a user currently in your game lobby.

Works-in: Game and Lobby



-> 3) /BL Nadd

Adds the username and ip adress of a user currently in the lobby to your list, based

on the users slot index number: acts as a quick way of adding users.


Use: /Bl nadd #

Where # is the slot number of a user currently in your game lobby.


Determining slot #: The first, top-most, slot in your lobby is

numbered slot 0, the second slot 1, and so on.


Example: Instead of having to ban a user with the name: "lllllllllllllll",

you can determine his or her slot number, and type: /Bl nadd 2 to ban the


Works-in: Lobby



-> 3) /BL Remove

Removes the username and ip adress of a user currently stored on your banlist.


Use: /Bl remove <name>

Where <name> is the username of a user currently stored on your banlist.

Works-in: Game and Lobby



-> 4) /BL Nremove

Removes the username and ip adress of a user currently stored on your banlist, based

on the users slot index number on your list: acts as a quick way of removing users.


Use: /Bl nremove #

Where # is the slot number of the user on your banlist.


To find a persons slot #: Use the /BL Show command.

Works-in: Game and Lobby



-> 5) /BL Colors

Enables or Disables the auto-kicking of anyone who joins your game with a color in their

username. Does not add users to the banlist, simply ejects them from the game.


Use: /Bl colors [0 or 1]

Where [0 or 1] is a value of either 0 or 1.

0 = off; 1 = on

(By default this value is set to 0.)

Works-in: Game and Lobby



-> 6) /BL Reload

Forces a reload of your stored banlist file. If you manually edit your banlist with starcraft

running, you must use this command for any changes you made to take effect.


Use: Type as shown: /Bl reload

Works-in: Game and Lobby



-> 7) /Nban

Temporarily banlists a user. This command will prevent the banned user from re-joining your

CURRENT game. If you re-host or create another game entirly the user will no longer be banned.


Use: /Bl Nban #

Where # is the slot number of a user currently in your game lobby.


Determining slot #: The first, top-most, slot in your lobby is

numbered slot 0, the second slot 1, and so on.

Works-in: Lobby



-> 8) /Ban All

Ejects all users from your current game with the execption of you and the game host.


Use: Type as shown: /Ban all

Works-in: Lobby



-> 9) /Bl Clear

Temporairly clears your blacklist for this current session. Your blacklist file will

not be cleared, however any previously banned users will not be banned for your current

session. If you wish to reload previously banned users, simply use the /BL reload

command, or restart Starcraft.


Use: Type as shown: /Bl Clear

Works-in: Game and Lobby


-> 10) /bl auto

Enables or Disables the auto-banning Feature. If this Feature is off, Then in the config

file you can set showblacklistcoloring on, so the blacklist will color your blacklisted

names to help you know who's who.


Use: /bl auto on/off

Where on/off is, you simply type "/bl auto on" or "/bl auto off"

Works-in: Game and Lobby


-> 11) /bl show stop

Stops the displaying process of the blacklist when your in the game. since in the game you

can only see about 5 lines of chat, this command tells the "/bl show" command to stop

displaying the list.


Use: Type as shown: /bl show stop

Works-in: Game






-> Auto-Banning

Any user or ip adress stored in your banlist file will automaticlly be booted from ANY

game you are in upon joining.


-> Banlist Databasing

Any time you add a user to your banlist, their information will be stored in a notepad

file placed within your starcraft directory. This information will allow you to archive

users you have stored, allowing for it to be read session after session of play.


-> Auto-loading

Any time this hack is injected it will automaticlly load all previously stored names

and ip adresses from your banlist database!


-> Unlimited bans

You may add as many users as you wish to your banlist without hitting a max or cap limit!


-> Username/ip logging

Banlist will automaticlly log the name AND ip adress of ANY user that joins ANY game lobby

you were in, regardless whether you were the host, and regardless whether the game started

or not. This information will be logged into a seperate notepad file stored in the dll's

directory, allowing for you to view the data of any user from any session at any time!


-> Manual Blacklisting / Automatic Ip Grabbing

You may add a known problem user to the blacklist simply by opening the blacklist database

(Located in your starcraft directory) and typing the users name onto a seperate, new line.

If this user joins your game, blacklist will automaticlly grab his or her ip adress and

add it to the banlist along side the previously placed user.









Q: Will I be able to load previously banned users from an earlier versions list? What about their ip adresses?

A: Yes, version 2.0 is fully backword compatiable and will sucsesfully read names off already existing lists.

If a user is placed on the banlist without an ip address, the next time said user joins your game blacklist will

log their ip and ban it in corrospodnince with the banned name.


Q: Can I still add names to the banlist even if I don't know their ip?

A: Yes, you can still add a user if you don't know or have their ip address. On a seperate line in the blacklist,

with no additional markers, type the users name exactly as it appears on Battle.net. If the newly added

user joins your game, their ip address will be logged and added to the banlist automaticly.


Q: Help! I wanted to ban someone but I forgot their ip address/name - is there any way I can still find out?

A: Yes. Banlist logs the name and ip address all users you come into contact with during a game into a seperate

log file located in the same directory you placed banlist.dll.




Copyright & Permissions:


Copyright © 2008 Ulliklliwi


Starcraft is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment.






