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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/31/2010 in Files

  1. 0 points



    This is a speed hack for MU Online. Instructions: 1. Make a back up of your original Player.bmd (in \data\player) 2. Replace it, then log into MU Online but stop at the character selection screen 3. Minimize MU (if you have a minimizer) 4. Replace the hacked player.bmd with the original player.bmd 5. Go back, select char, log in and enjoy :) Note: You must be outside of the city when you log in in order to make this hack work. P.S.: If you don't have a Minimizer, your hacking can be detected. If the server is lame, it doesn't matter if you have the hacked or the non-hacked version in your data folder.
  2. -1 points



    These cracks let you edit 'n' test maps without owning a vaild SC2 License. (The download included is just the cracks; you need to download the game itself on your own. Borrow a CD, Google it; it's pretty easy to find.)
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