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Lost Prodigy

 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Lost Prodigy

  1. Lost Prodigy

    So what has been going on here.

    I check back every now and then with the same question in mind. It's pretty neat to see everybody out in adult life after our younger hyper active years. Still gaming still working still doing this life thing. Mostly PS4 and work. Add me lets play some Rocket League/Paragon PSN: Madavio
  2. Lost Prodigy

    To whom it may concern

    Wow, I don't know what to say. Shes at peace now at least. I'm going to miss her. I'm glad I was able to get to know her. She helped me through a dark period in my life and i'm so grateful for that. Keep strong Deb, and thanks for letting us know.
  3. Lost Prodigy

    have minecraft account i want gmod

    What's it like to want?
  4. Lost Prodigy

    Email Hosting at Ghoztcraft

    You could set it up as a pop3 account or something on your gmail account, that's what I do.
  5. Lost Prodigy

    Ghoztcraft aquires "ghoztcraft.com"

    .net is way cooler. Not as cool as .info though.
  6. Lost Prodigy

    I need your guys help....

    Whatever images you'd like in the banner. I'd need a kind of theme to work with as well. I can blend GC's colorscheme into it.
  7. Lost Prodigy

    I need your guys help....

    I can make a banner if you give me some pics to use. Can't donate cause im broke right now but good luck man D:
  8. Lost Prodigy

    Ghoztcraft aquires "ghoztcraft.com"

    dat 301 redirect. Nice acquisition! I'm still waiting on Madav.com, lady wont email me back for me to buy it D:
  9. Lost Prodigy

    Aw. Still mod.

  10. Lost Prodigy

    Your Favorite Song When You Were 14

    Yup. Yup.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjVkXlxsO8Q
  11. Lost Prodigy

    Trading unused BF3 Origin Code

    Look at this guy, trying to come up on the Humble Bundle.
  12. Lost Prodigy

    Zar's Arcaheology Pics 2013

    I dig it! *ba dum cha~*
  13. Lost Prodigy

    So I switched to Windows 8

    I've been running windows 8 since rc1. The only thing that has wowed me is the new task manager and the fact that the troubleshooter actually does something %25 of the time. Apart from that it's pretty "meh." I have a touch screen and I still just hit the desktop as fast as I can. Get used to hitting the windows key and just typing whatever you want because metro is boo-boo. I only got it because it was $15 :\
  14. Lost Prodigy

    2013 VIR Viperfest

    One day I'll be in that kind of place. Until then I'll just zip around in my beater :x
  15. Lost Prodigy

    Buying Starcraft 1 CDKEYS

    Dude, bargain bins. So many cd keys there for so cheap.
  16. Lost Prodigy

    Where Plutomic has been.

    The rabbit hole goes deep, man...
  17. Lost Prodigy

    Where Plutomic has been.

    I avoided prison a few times. Jail sucks still though :\ welcome back to the free world dude!
  18. Lost Prodigy

    34-5 Zar Wins!

    Too bad you're not on xbox. MOABs for days man. <3 going like 60 and 3
  19. Lost Prodigy

    Thinking of a Tattoo

  20. Lost Prodigy

    Thinking of a Tattoo

    Ignore everybody, DO IT Put "Bronie Life" above it in old english to
  21. Lost Prodigy

    Thinking of a Tattoo

    DO IT
  22. Lost Prodigy


    Wow, ok so once you do an online application, DO NOT WAIT FOR A CALL BACK. Call them right up and ask for an interview. Tell them you signed up online but you really want the job and want to speak to a Hiring manager ASAP. you're not going to get called back. It's even better to sign up, call them and say you're coming in for a visit, then keep showing up until you talk to a manager....