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About Sephiro

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  1. They do have the victory box in single player. It is definitely not easy to remove. My thoughts were to use Winmpq to extract the image and then edit the image and use mpqdraft to recompile it, but I cant find the specific file within stardat.mpq to extract and edit.
  2. Yea. I came to that conclusion a while ago. This will not be a multiplayer game. It will have to be a complete set that will need to be installed before playing. I am ok with that. I am just curious as to how it is done within the mod process.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I probably should have been more clear about exactly what I am trying to do. Basically I am making an RPG Custom Game/MOD. I personally would not consider it a mod because it is not actually using the same maps as the normal game, but consists of a string of entirely new maps that I have made with entirely new objectives and characters. I have got it to the point that it will load the next map without going back to the main screen, but I still have to click victory and ok on the scoreboad. I would like to change these to some sort of loading screen or get rid of them all togeather which would be best. I have seen people modify things like the intro screen (for example Gundam Century mod) What I want to know is if this can be done with the victory and scoreboard image sets. And if so where they are located to be modified. Thanks again for all your help.
  4. Does anyone know how to edit or remove the files for the Victory/Defeat pop up at the end of a mission? I am making a multi-map custom game and dont want the players to have to click on victory to go to the next map. I dont know if there is either a way to get rid of it or change it to say something else? Also is there a way to do the same with the scoreboard? Any help would be awesome. Thanks.