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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Polo

  1. Polo

    [Other] Uber Gay Spammer v1

    Gotta see how nice it will be :D.
  2. Polo

    Im In Prison, Check My Pic

    Yeah, he has gone mad .
  3. Polo

    Why Do We All Play Starcraft?

    I love SC and the hacks too . Just gets so addicting. Cheap fun and old. :)
  4. Polo

    [1.11b] Town Tele Here

    I never trusted these tele things..
  5. Polo

    Which Sorcerer is the best?

    My friend has a light sorc dealing 50k dmg per lightning.
  6. For me, all the hacks worked. Drop hack worked, the mins everything worked.
  7. Polo

    [Other] Uber Gay Spammer v1

    Not working for me o_O.
  8. Polo

    Im Done Editing The Army System!

    I just might buy 1m GP for 1$. Lol. I got extra money laying around :).
  9. Polo

    Hack For Rakion

    There is plenty of hacks on google when i searched.
  10. Polo

    Halo 2 On Window Vista

    Its not that hard either. Real cool though.
  11. Polo

    Halo 2 On Window Vista

    I like it and my friends also like it.
  12. Polo

    The Truth About Myspace

    Wow, myspace is gay itself and sucks A$$.