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About Silence

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  1. Silence


    No, that method is basically all you need for a perfect time efficient rush.
  2. Silence

    Sorry For The Downtime!

    Grr arg.
  3. Silence

    Don't use easyplay it will get you banned

    Wrong, some hacks CANNOT be found, but they can be patched so technically they cannot be found LIVE but hence MOUSEPAD are best.
  4. Silence

    Which's better, Zealot Smiter Hammerdin?

    A "orb sorc and shit" is no trouble.
  5. Silence


    Nah, if you follow that you wont need choas runs.
  6. Silence

    Spammed Bwhacks

    akazukin... that tranny...
  7. Silence


    Got this from somewhere, can't remember where... i would change it so it basically isn't a copy but ive read it and feel that it is correct and should stay the way it is... Enjoy... Level 1-15 Tristram runs,you should be getting lots of experience doing this. Level 15-20 Do tomb runs,for those who do not know what tomb runs are they are games that clear all the tombs in Canyon of Magi(Act 2) for experience.This might take a while so it is better to get a high level friend to do help you kill monsters. Level 20-24 Do cow runs,it is best to get a high level friend to make the cow portal (Wirt's leg and tome of town portal in cube and transmute).Also follow your high level friend and watch as he kills the cows.This will get you to level 24 quickly. NOTE: Do not kill the cow king or you and everybody in the game won't be able to make the cow portal in the diffculty that you killed the king. Level 24-25 Do the Ancients quest,you will level right after you kill the ancients.Get a high level to kill them for you. Level 26-42 Do baal runs until you get to level 40-42+.Now in nightmare get rushed all the way to Act 5 and do Ancients quest. Level 40/42+ -70+ Do nightmare baal runs.Once you reach 70+ kill baal.Now in hell get a friend to rush you all the way to act 5 and then do the ancients quest. Level 70+ Baal until you want to stop a decent level is between 75-80 but thats my opinon. Happy leveling Getting to level 90 should be the final points, anything above takes too long and is just gets boring.
  8. Silence

    Which's better, Zealot Smiter Hammerdin?

    Seems like a smiter, but if your a pro at hammerdin then you can basically be unstopable.
  9. Silence

    'your' Character

    Simply, if you play d2 and retain a farily decent character, please state them, the stats... dex etc... items and the skill astributes... For example... Conc/berserk barb. Strength 140 Dex-180-195 Vitality-Everything stat points left here Energy-Base Skills Conc-20 Bo-20 Shout-20 Wepon Mastery-12 Howl,grimward ,taunt, battlecry -1 Berserk-Every skill point left here Natural resist -6-8 Iron skin-8 or more. My items are, Eth Botd zerker axe Arreats Verdungos 2x bk ring Highlords Enigma archon plate I forget what gloves im wearing Goreriders SS Mercenary -Act2 Defensive(Holy Freeze) Eth cryptic,Doom Eth Archon plate COH Eth delirium forget wat helm it is. etc...
  10. Silence

    Open Legit Smiter

    sigh... closed.
  11. Silence

    Don't use easyplay it will get you banned

    What people fail to understand is that MOUSEPAD hacks are the only ones you should use, they are safe and are basically made from the mistakes idiots like the creator of "easy" have made.