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 V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by Virtus

  1. Hey guys, been away for a awhile, will be back ASAP




    my friend's SN has been stolen: coldkate


    I tried getting the IP address but they wouldn't connect to me


    I either want thier IP or a way to change the PW


    Could I have some assistance please, it would be greatly appreciated, $10 reward for the IP address

  2. Was wondering if anyone had a free server Me and some friends could use.


    We are wanting to dabble in the world of MMOs but, don't have a server. does anyone have a server that runs XP has 2.0+ Ghz and at least 2Gig mem that we could use?


    Many thanks

  3. Everyone has diffrent tastes. Some ppl like huge asses, others like flat ones. Some like ones that stick out, others don't. As for me, I like neither, a like your normal ass that is "normal" looking. However, I am not an ass guy, I'm a face guy.
