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Everything posted by SugarD-x

  1. Oh lookie who it is! ;)

  2. SugarD-x

    [Bots] Trivia Bot - Station 55

    Wtf? Saberking is NOT the author. Doom from Op 1337 is...
  3. SugarD-x

    Forum Error...

    When I clicked on my name, it sent me to that... See attachment...
  4. SugarD-x

    Forum Error...

    Note: I know this topic is very old but I'm putting my last reply in it to end it once and for all. Also note that the error I mentioned was, in fact, happening on all skins at the time. You guys really are idiots. That wasn't information about the last topic I made because I saw the error BEFORE I made the thread, just as XGhozt mentioned. The second half of the quote was a typo due to the fact that I meant to put that second paragraph outside the quote tag. Obviously that's not an error. Use your head next time and figure that out on your own. I was referring to the part that says the words "FATAL ERROR" in it. Common sense anyone?
  5. SugarD-x

    Vote To Get Back Flame Post Count!

    As Zach's bot usually says: "Not only yes, but Hell yes!"
  6. SugarD-x

    Clan Forum Logo Request

    Sup again guys. HG told me you guys were good with PhotoShop, and I hadn't been on GC for awhile, so I thought I'd hit you guys up and request a logo for my clan's forum. ^_^ Anyway, on to the request!: Type: Logo Size Limit: 480 L x 80 H Background color: Transparent Style: Something that matches my forum's current theme style. http://clanxperience.ulmb.com/forums/ Original image for example: http://clanxperience.ulmb.com/forums/style...t/site_logo.png Text: Clan Xperience Text Font: Your opinion on this one. I want it to look professional, but at the same time I don't want it to be boring. Text Size: Around the same as the original image. Text Color: Preferrably something the same as or similar to the colors of the original image. Format: Please try and keep it as a .png image file. Thanks guys!
  7. SugarD-x

    We Recovered!

    @MasterX: Make sure the install directory is deleted as well :S @HG-Bounder-X's disappearance: I don't know what's up with him lately but he hasn't been online much in my clan channel either. He may be on vacation or just taking a break though... Unusual Off-Topic Note: My GC points=1337 :o
  8. SugarD-x

    Forum Error...

    I did post a screenshot...that's why I said see the attachment lol...
  9. SugarD-x

    Lol! Screenshots!

    15 seconds? I stopped my guys half way to ur base and then u said "Okay" and out of no-where is a mass of guys lol
  10. SugarD-x

    Lol! Screenshots!

    Which is what u used to attack me with...
  11. SugarD-x

    Lol! Screenshots!

    LIES! Ghozt, I owned you and Zach, then you asked for a few minutes to build up some guys, so I gave it to you and you attacked me!...and then we allied in the end :)
  12. SugarD-x

    Bounder & Xthar

    On most forum applications/websites you have to create the poll when you create a new thread/topic, and they usually require a post to be attached to them...
  13. SugarD-x

    Clan IXI

    Thanks Man! :) BTW, that guest was me, but the site was lagging so damn bad I couldn't log in, and when I did and posted, I got an authorization error :)
  14. SugarD-x

    Clan + Icon

    Sorry-posted in the wrong spot...
  15. SugarD-x

    Forum Error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: member_points() in /home/ghoztcra/public_html/forums/sources/action_public/topics.php on line 1103 When attempting to view topics/threads... I haven't checked all the forums but I'm getting it on various topics/threads...