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  1. fatfuk

    VB8 Hacks?

    '//first u need these 3 functions and the 1 const Public Declare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer Public Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Integer, ByVal bInheritHandle As Integer, ByVal dwProcessId As Integer) As Integer Public Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "ReadProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer Public Const PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS As Long = &H1F0FFF '// This sub will write to a process's memory private sub WriteprocmemoryExample() '// declare our process handler Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("THIS IS THE NAME OF THE PROCESS") Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("hl2") 'this checks to make sure we have a handle.... If myProcesses.Length = 0 Then MsgBox("hl2.exe is not running", MsgBoxStyle.Information) Else 'ADDRESS WE WISH TO WRITE TO "&H2051F774" is the adress we will use "&H" converts it for hex dim Address as integer = &H2051F774 'VALUE WE WISH TO RIGHT TO THAT ADDRESS dim Value as long = 1 'now to edit the memory WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address, Value, 4, Nothing) end if end sub ' This will read a value from process's memory allowing you to put a condition on it. private sub ReadProcMemSample() '// declare our process handler Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("THIS IS THE NAME OF THE PROCESS") Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("hl2") 'this checks to make sure we have a handle.... If myProcesses.Length = 0 Then MsgBox("hl2.exe is not running", MsgBoxStyle.Information) Else 'address we want to read dim address as integer = &H2051F774 'this next value will hold the value of the address we will read dim buffer as long 'now to read our value ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, Address, buffer, 4, Nothing) If buffer <> 1 Then msgbox("success") dim value as integer = 1 WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address, Value, 4, Nothing) End If end sub ---------------in short our code will look like this: Public Declare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer Public Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Integer, ByVal bInheritHandle As Integer, ByVal dwProcessId As Integer) As Integer Public Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "ReadProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer Public Const PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS As Long = &H1F0FFF private sub WriteprocmemoryExample() Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("THIS IS THE NAME OF THE PROCESS") Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("hl2") If myProcesses.Length = 0 Then MsgBox("hl2.exe is not running", MsgBoxStyle.Information) Else dim Address as integer = &H2051F774 dim Value as long = 1 WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address, Value, 4, Nothing) end if end sub private sub ReadProcMemSample() Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("THIS IS THE NAME OF THE PROCESS") Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("hl2") If myProcesses.Length = 0 Then MsgBox("hl2.exe is not running", MsgBoxStyle.Information) Else dim address as integer = &H2051F774 dim buffer as long ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, Address, buffer, 4, Nothing) If buffer <> 1 Then msgbox("success") dim value as integer = 1 WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address, Value, 4, Nothing) End If end sub If you don't know the basic fundamentals of a language u need to in order to learn how to make hacks. have fun :)
  2. fatfuk

    How much can you take?

    After about 5 seconds, I ran to the kitchen and started stabbing myself with a spoon to relieve the pain. That's right a spoon!!
  3. Yea man, just trying to get a discussion for people on this topic so they can share information from one another. Right now I'm working on a Homer Simpson model.
  4. You can make your own Models & Skins in warcraft 3 for your maps, the best part is it doesn't cost SHIT! You can download the MPQ Reader (Which allows you to open premade units like footmen, orcs etc and convert them to mdl format) at: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=62876 or http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/tools-5...l-editor-62876/ Next, we need the actual modeling program itself, Vertex Modify: http://www.oinkerwinkle.com/tools/vertexmodify.zip -You can open a .mdl file in this program, right click to select left click to move. -Click 'Snap' to connect multiple nods -Select, Add, Delete, Rotate, Scaling are included. This is Basicly all you need. There are In-depth tutorials to help get you started at: http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.ne....php?view=42938 and http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/3d-mode...editing-114210/ ========================================================= Hiveworkshop also has a lot of premade models like Sponge Bob, Starcraft, Diablo, and Army stuff. Here is a screen shot of a Battle Cruiser model in wc3: & here is a screen shot of Link from The Legend of Zelda:
  5. fatfuk

    .bat Files?

    -Lmao Dear zomg! What have I done!
  6. fatfuk

    .bat Files?

    ::This is a comment, with batch it doesn't matter. -create a loop :loop start http://google.com goto loop -This creates a file and writes to it echo :loop >C:batchbug.bat echo Start Http://google.com >>C:batchbug.bat echo goto loop >>C:batchbug.bat -This adds a file to start up echo Reg add HKLMsoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v name /d C:windowsbatchbug.bat -If exist statment If exist C:batchbug.bat goto ItsHere :ItsNotHere echo blah blah blah >C:batchbug.bat :ItsHere -pauses the screen without prompt pause >Nul -set set Name=this is the value echo %Name% -refers to the batch file itself copy %0 del %0 you can learn more basic commands if you type help in command prompt. Idk why you'd want to learn batch unless your at school. If that's the case you should also learn VB Script. Otherwise, use a .net language. Here's some vb script if you wanna mess around with that. -Writes a .vbs file with vbscript in it. echo do >C:heehee.vbs echo A=inputbox("Hi, My name is Master Shake, Whats your name?") >>C:heehee.vbs echo Msgbox "Hey " & A & " your an asshole!",vbinformation,"Windows Messenger" >>C:heehee.vbs echo loop >>C:heehee.vbs start C:heehee.vbs
  7. fatfuk

    Visual Basic Script

    copy and paste this code below into notepad. Then save the name as bar.vbs and were it says text document(*txt.) change it to save all files then save it. Option Explicit Dim oBar Set oBar = New ProgressBar oBar.StartBar "KOOL" WScript.Sleep(5000) oBar.SetLine "SWEET" WScript.Sleep(5000) obar.setline "WOAH" Class ProgressBar ' This class allows the creation of an object for use in displaying a ' "progress bar" type of display to the user while the script performs ' other tasks int he background. Very usefull to show that the script ' is still working or has finished. ' Usage: First, create a new instance of the object with a unique name. ' set oMyNewProgressBar = New ProgressBar ' Then, call the object's .StartBar function with an argument of the ' initial message that you wish to display. ' oMyNewProgressBar.StartBar "This is my message. Please wait." ' Then, if you want to change the displayed message, call the object's ' .SetLine function with an argument of what you want to change the ' message to. ' oMyNewProgressBar.SetLine "This is my new message. Wait longer." ' To close the object, call it's .CloseBar function. ' oMyNewProgressBar.CloseBar Dim sProgressBarHTAFile, sProgressBarRunFile, sProgressBarSleepFile Dim sProgressBarMsgFile, oShell, oFSO, iBarElementCount, sProgressBarHTAFileKiller Dim sTempRoot, sProgressBarMsgTempFile, sInitialTemp, aHTATextCat, oFileToWrite Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") sTempRoot = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") & "\" ReDim aHTATextCat(0) End Sub Public Sub StartBar(sMessageToDisplay) sInitialTemp = oFSO.GetTempName sProgressBarHTAFile = sTempRoot & oFSO.GetBaseName(sInitialTemp) & ".hta" sProgressBarRunFile = sTempRoot & oFSO.GetBaseName(sInitialTemp) & ".run" sProgressBarSleepFile = sTempRoot & oFSO.GetBaseName(sInitialTemp) & "sleep.vbs" sProgressBarMsgFile = sTempRoot & oFSO.GetBaseName(sInitialTemp) & ".msg" subBarCat "<html>" subBarCat "<head>" subBarCat "<title id=" & Chr(34) & "title" & Chr(34) & ">Please Wait</title>" subBarCat "<HTA:APPLICATION " subBarCat " ID=" & Chr(34) & "StatusBar" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " APPLICATIONNAME=" & Chr(34) & "StatusBar" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " SCROLL=" & Chr(34) & "no" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " SINGLEINSTANCE=" & Chr(34) & "yes" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " caption=" & Chr(34) & "no" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " BORDER=" & Chr(34) & "no" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " BORDERSTYLE=" & Chr(34) & "normal" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " MAXIMIZEBUTTON=" & Chr(34) & "no" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " MINIMIZEBUTTON=" & Chr(34) & "yes" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " SYSMENU=" & Chr(34) & "no" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " CONTEXTMENU=" & Chr(34) & "NO" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " WINDOWSTATE=" & Chr(34) & "normal" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " ShowInTaskBar=" & Chr(34) & "no" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " />" subBarCat "<script Language=" & Chr(34) & "VBScript" & Chr(34) & ">" subBarCat "Set objShell = CreateObject(" & Chr(34) & "Wscript.Shell" & Chr(34) & ")" subBarCat "Set oFSO = CreateObject(" & Chr(34) & "Scripting.FileSystemObject" & Chr(34) & ")" subBarCat "Dim strTimer, strTimerCnt, sPID, iCID, sStatusMsg, sStatusMsgFile, oStatusMsgFile" subBarCat "sPID = " & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat "iCID = 10" subBarCat "sStatusMsgFile = " & Chr(34) & sProgressBarMsgFile & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " Sub Window_Onload" subBarCat " window.resizeTo 320,250" subBarCat " Stats " & Chr(34) & "Init" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " document.title = document.title" subBarCat " oFSO.CreateTextFile(" & Chr(34) & sProgressBarRunFile & Chr(34) & ")" subBarCat " oFSO.CreateTextFile(" & Chr(34) & sProgressBarSleepFile & Chr(34) & ")" subBarCat " Set oVBS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(" & Chr(34) & sProgressBarSleepFile & Chr(34) & ",2)" subBarCat " oVBS.WriteLine " & Chr(34) & "WScript.Sleep(1000)" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " oVBS.Close" subBarCat "Dim oWMIService, cItems, oItem" subBarCat "Set oWMIService = GetObject(" & Chr(34) & "winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2" & Chr(34) & ")" subBarCat "Set cItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery(" & Chr(34) & "SELECT Name, ExecutablePath FROM Win32_Process where Name = 'mshta.exe'" & Chr(34) & ")" subBarCat "For Each oItem in cItems" subBarCat " sPID = oItem.Handle" subBarCat "Next" subBarCat " Do While oFSO.FileExists(" & Chr(34) & sProgressBarRunFile & Chr(34) & ")" subBarCat " objShell.Run " & Chr(34) & sProgressBarSleepFile & Chr(34) & ",0,True" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " Loop " subBarCat " oFSO.DeleteFile " & Chr(34) & sProgressBarSleepFile & Chr(34) & ", True " subBarCat " Stats " & Chr(34) & "End" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " window.Close" subBarCat " End Sub" subBarCat " Sub Stats(strStatus)" subBarCat " If strStatus = " & Chr(34) & "Init" & Chr(34) & " Then" subBarCat " strTimer = window.setInterval(" & Chr(34) & "Stats('Run')" & Chr(34) & ", 175)" subBarCat " Elseif strStatus = " & Chr(34) & "Run" & Chr(34) & " Then" subBarCat "Select Case iCID" subBarCat " Case 10" subBarCat " strTimerCnt =" & Chr(34) & "ooooo" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 0" subBarCat " Case 0" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "oooon" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 1" subBarCat " Case 1" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "ooono" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 2" subBarCat " Case 2" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "oonoo" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 3" subBarCat " Case 3" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "onooo" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 4" subBarCat " Case 4" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "noooo" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 5" subBarCat " Case 5" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "onooo" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 6" subBarCat " Case 6" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "oonoo" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 7" subBarCat " Case 7" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "ooono" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 8" subBarCat " Case 8" subBarCat " strTimerCnt = " & Chr(34) & "oooon" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " objShell.AppActivate sPID" subBarCat " iCID = 1" subBarCat " End Select " subBarCat " document.getElementById(" & Chr(34) & "Stats" & Chr(34) & ").innerHTML = strTimerCnt" subBarCat " If oFSO.FileExists(sStatusMsgFile) and oFSO.GetFile(sStatusMsgFile).Size <> 0 Then" subBarCat " Set oStatusMsgFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sStatusMsgFile, 1)" subBarCat " sStatusMsg = oStatusMsgFile.ReadAll" subBarCat " oStatusMsgFile.Close" subBarCat " If Trim(sStatusMsg) <> " & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & " Then " subBarCat " sStatusMsg = Replace(sStatusMsg, VbCrLf, " & Chr(34) & "<br>" & Chr(34) & ")" subBarCat " Else" subBarCat " sStatusMsg = " & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " End If " subBarCat " Else" subBarCat " sStatusMsg = " & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " End If " subBarCat " document.getElementById(" & Chr(34) & "MyMsg" & Chr(34) & ").innerHTML = sStatusMsg" subBarCat " Elseif strStatus = " & Chr(34) & "End" & Chr(34) & " Then" subBarCat " window.clearInterval(strTimer)" subBarCat " document.getElementById(" & Chr(34) & "Stats" & Chr(34) & ").innerHTML = " & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & "" subBarCat " oFSO.DeleteFile " & chr(34) & sProgressBarMsgFile & Chr(34) & ", True" subBarCat " End If" subBarCat " End Sub" subBarCat "</SCRIPT>" subBarCat "<style>" 'Change the settings in the two lines below to alter the colors of the window subBarCat "body,td,a {font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;text-decoration:none;color:black;}" subBarCat "body {filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#9999FF', EndColorStr='#FFFFFF')}" subBarCat ".pix {width: 1px; height 1px;}" subBarCat "</style>" subBarCat "</head>" subBarCat "<body>" subBarCat "<center>" subBarCat "<table width=" & Chr(34) & "275" & Chr(34) & ">" subBarCat " <tr><td>" subBarCat " <fieldset><legend align=" & Chr(34) & "center" & Chr(34) & "><b> Please Be Patient </b></legend>" subBarCat " <br><center>" subBarCat " <span id=Stats style=" & Chr(34) & "font-family: wingdings;font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;" & Chr(34) & "></span>" subBarCat " </center><br><br>" subBarCat " </fieldset>" subBarCat " </td></tr>" subBarCat "</table>" subBarCat "<span id=MyMsg style=" & Chr(34) & "font-family: Ariel;font-size:12px;" & Chr(34) & "></span>" subBarCat "</body>" subBarCat "</html>" subWriteFile sProgressBarHTAFile, Join(aHTATextCat,VbCrLf) subWriteFile sProgressBarMsgFile, sMessageToDisplay oShell.Run sProgressBarHTAFile, 1, False End Sub Private Sub subBarCat(sStringToAdd) ReDim Preserve aHTATextCat(iBarElementCount) aHTATextCat(iBarElementCount) = sStringToAdd iBarElementCount = iBarElementCount + 1 End Sub Public Sub CloseBar() subKillFile sProgressBarRunFile sProgressBarHTAFileKiller = sTempRoot & "htakiller.vbs" subWriteFile sProgressBarHTAFileKiller, "On Error Resume Next" subWriteFile sProgressBarHTAFileKiller, "wscript.sleep(10000)" subWriteFile sProgressBarHTAFileKiller, "Set oFSO = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")" subWriteFile sProgressBarHTAFileKiller, "oFSO.DeleteFile " & Chr(34) & sProgressBarHTAFile & Chr(34) & ", True" subWriteFile sProgressBarHTAFileKiller, "oFSO.DeleteFile " & Chr(34) & sProgressBarHTAFileKiller & Chr(34) & ", True" oShell.Run sProgressBarHTAFileKiller, 0, False End Sub Public Sub SetLine(sNewText) sProgressBarMsgTempFile = sTempRoot & oFSO.GetTempName & ".tmp" subWriteFile sProgressBarMsgTempFile, sNewText subKillFile sProgressBarMsgFile oFSO.MoveFile sProgressBarMsgTempFile, sProgressBarMsgFile End Sub Private Sub subKillFile(sFileToKill) If oFSO.FileExists(sFileToKill) Then oFSO.DeleteFile sFileToKill, True End Sub Private Sub subWriteFile(sFileToWrite, sTextToWrite) If not oFSO.FileExists(sFileToWrite) Then oFSO.CreateTextFile sFileToWrite Set oFileToWrite = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sFileToWrite,8) oFileToWrite.WriteLine sTextToWrite oFileToWrite.Close End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() End Sub End Class
  8. fatfuk

    [1.20b] Vision Hack

    that stupid maphack got my account name suspended off battle.net and i couldnt play regular games for 3 months. just to tell u use it at your own risk
  9. fatfuk

    Need Help!! C++

    it alright man i dont know shit about C++ either but i strongly suggest you learn visual basics 1st it is alot eisier to learn and the tut videos are here learn visual basics
  10. fatfuk

    [1.13e] Color Hack + Source

    pretty fukin sweet 8)