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About Pyro-Fire

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  1. Pyro-Fire

    Hai Its Pyro!

    its 12pm so he starts with a thriller; hes going to do tricks with a chinchilla!
  2. Pyro-Fire

    Help Me Start Out Site

    byethost is the best ad-free webhost, that doesnt cost anything. http://www.byethost.com/ beats purgehosting.
  3. Pyro-Fire

    Wii Takes All!

  4. Pyro-Fire

    If Ur A Real Capable Hacker

    omg tell
  5. Pyro-Fire

    Hack Ideas

    this topic is old...? :) sry for necroposting.
  6. Pyro-Fire


    uhh... what? i already have my own dll template.
  7. Pyro-Fire


    hotkeys are just as good.
  8. Pyro-Fire

    Hai Its Pyro!

    Name:Pyro-Fire Favorite Game: Starcraft Age: 1337 Favorite Color: Starcraft Where are you from: Aiur Where did you hear about us: secret Who are you ( SN ): Pyro-Fire What are you: sum guy What do you represent: Starcraft Gaming Screen Name: Pyro-Fire Have a GirlFriend: Yes Have a BoyFriend: Yes Why did you come here: coz i want to release hax :) Who is your Idol: Pyro-Fire What can you do: Program, Script, Read, Spell, Hax. - Program? - Script? - Read? - Spell? About you (Description): I r teh rawrz.
  9. Pyro-Fire

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.2

    it gives new hackers a reason to code stuff, instead of copying whats already out there.
  10. Pyro-Fire

    1.15.2 Fxn's I Have Found So Far

    im just using a keyword describing what the function (to my belief) does.
  11. Pyro-Fire


    so does anyone know how i can do it?
  12. Pyro-Fire

    1.15.2 Fxn's I Have Found So Far

    they are all to do with zerg unit morphing. i just dont know their official name what everyone else calls them.
  13. more to come. btw- this is my first time doing any real hacking like this, so i dont really know what the fxns are actually called, nor what all of them are. update: i believe this offset is used in the maphack, im not sure. plz tell me: 00490C80 (reveal map -- while playing replays) Update #2: added spoofer addys
  14. Pyro-Fire

    Hack Ideas

    lawl, dont you realise zerg stacking is still possible? its very easy to do. yes, even on the latest patch (1.15.2)
  15. Pyro-Fire


    oh, right. thats kinda stupid to leave out. im trying to make the hack using MASM32, and its going to be a dll (like all hacks)