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Major Zhuinden

 Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Major Zhuinden

  1. No, I do not have hacks for iccup.

  2. old and the new version of Blitzkrieg, the only one I actually noticed was the fact that automine detection doesn't work in v1.0.2 because Oblivion was patched to counter its detection.

    I do not have the private version of v1.0.3. I'm not sure if it even exists. But if it does, it's in Battlehacks's private hack section, or only in Jiggie's hands, I am not sure.

  3. work - then is the time when you hold control and click on an enemy unit. And it will say "commanded x units to bla bla bla" and it sends out all your queens to spawn broodlings all tanks it can find, for example.

    Yeah though I know that micromulticommand DOES have some issues unfortunately. I don't use it really because of that.

    However I do not know what the...

  4. Running two hacks together that patch the same area of memory for the same buttons will just cause conflicts and destroy the world. Micromulticommand is not just a multicommand. For that to work, you must have only ONE (as I recall) unit selected which is able to cast a spell (parasite, spawn broodling etc) and what you have to do is prepare the skill so you just have to click on a unit for it to

  5. I got the notification sooner from BH than from here, haha.

  6. Nothing, really. Although I have just scared myself with my profile song, lol. Thanks for asking though, most people don't give a shi-.
