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Everything posted by Matticus

  1. Matticus

    KoC Resource Hack

    Ay people anybody know of or have a hack for that Facebook game Kingdoms of Camelot? It seems to be pretty popular. I can't find any bots or anything for it. A lil help my brethren.
  2. Matticus


    Just hit me up whenever you see me on and i'll come play.
  3. You're my wonderlawl.

  4. Matticus


    You all can add me. My gt is DoG Plasma v2. Just let me know who it is. And Speedskater, I have an amazing sniper. Hit me up and I will show you. Level 69 Hunter. :)
  5. Matticus

    I'm baaaaaack

    Nah. Very possible when you have psycho friends. It wasn't easy. Mainly used my phone a lot. Didn't really help too much lol. How's your site doing btw? Awww well I missed you too. :blush2: lol Good to see you again too. :tease: Working on that part. I'm happy since I have a comp and Xbox Live again.
  6. Matticus

    I'm baaaaaack

    After like six months, I finally get a computer. And now I'm back. Nuff said.
  7. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    AY errbody. I was wondering if somebooody on here would photoshop a pic of my friend for me. I don't know how to do any of that stuff and I know some of you do, so your help would be greatly appreciated. If someone replies, i will upload the pic and the info. Thanks.
  8. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    Just for enjoyment. It was just a cool idea he had.
  9. Matticus

    Your favorite foreign songs? :O

    lol i heard that song watching live starcraft 2 and some guy played it D:
  10. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    Well I'm still grateful. He's gonna love it.
  11. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    Wow you have no idea how much I love you. No homo.
  12. I'm a Taurus now apparently. Wtf I want my Gemini back.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ViperSRT3g


      Welcome to the idiot bandwagon -_-

    3. irishnwa


      It only changes for people born after 2009....

    4. Matticus


      LOL guys. And i think it applies to everyone. I didn't read about an age limit :D

  13. Matticus

    Once upon a time

  14. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    Haha okay thank ya broski
  15. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    No one ever did it :(
  16. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    Alright Josh here's the Captain Falcon picture. http://balancedbrawl.net/img/classic_render_captain_falcon.png And here is the blastoise one. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/243/4/c/blastoise_by_xous54-d2xqh0g.png Have fun with it and thanks again.
  17. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    It's a deal. I'll do it when I get back from work. Yes....i have to work on christmas bleh.
  18. 577 profile views....i'm being stalked hardcore.

  19. Matticus

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Xmas!!
  20. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    Hooray lol. So I wonder if anyone will actually shop my photo.
  21. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    Original poster is overpowered.
  22. Matticus

    Photoshoppin lyk a boss

    What's overpowered? lol well here's the pic. If someone could just make it as epic as possible while trying to include captain falcon and get rid of the turtle and replace it with blastoise. Thanks and have fun with it!!!
  23. Matticus

    SOTW 23

    Sorry...my bad.