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 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jiggie

  1. Jiggie

    Print Text Function

    Do you mean you're trying to print an in-game message on the screen, or print text anywhere on the screen? :3 420201 = BWFXN_PrintXY
  2. Jiggie

    Woah, damn.

    I'm in love with these restless emotions. ?
  3. Jiggie

    Woah, damn.

    This man gets me. Welcome to puberty son. This man does not.
  4. Jiggie

    Woah, damn.

    Admiring the sky and one's dream to fly. Even so, the only thing you can do is walk. ?
  5. Jiggie

    Reassuring the Ghoztcraft Community.

    The avatar makes you trustable. :3 Power of the monkey and the monster he rides on.
  6. Jiggie


    CUUUUUUUUUUTE. (Yeh, I like cute things, what of it?)
  7. Jiggie

    I want candy!

    lol noobs its more like i want black people right? edit: Post 522! GJ JIGGIE!
  8. Jiggie

    People who shouldn't have the internet.

    In ProSlashers defense, her novels do suck. :x
  9. Jiggie


    For a second when I read the title of the thread I thought you had gotten your fiance pregnant. But I guess getting really drunk and posting on an internet forum is just as good. ;p
  10. Jiggie

    Quick Reply is now AJAX

    Best update since music-in-your-profile.
  11. Jiggie


    Oh my gosh, that is cool.
  12. Jiggie


  13. Jiggie


    Lol, if it was me I would have gone all out, just like I did for suteki. His mind was in the right place though. :3 Edit: S'uteki. Kehehehe.
  14. Jiggie


    God knows how many internet boy-toys I've gotten pregnant from meeting people irl. ; ) Gotta put that on my to-do list. -Write a list of my boy-toys.
  15. Jiggie


    In terms everyone can understand: A man has violated you. You must point him out. This man is Korean. There is only one asian man you can choose from in the line-up. His hack blocks all asian sexual assaults. I just have to make my drop hack a white man and it's undetectable. Make sense? :]
  16. Jiggie


    It's only being detected because I made it detectable, in the event this would happen. :3
  17. Jiggie


    Will do.
  18. Jiggie

    Anyone want a sister?

    You're right. Why give your sister away when you can sell pieces of her?
  19. How many -reps does it take for his account to disable? I'll take it upon myself to cleanse 'the world' from now on. :P @Edit: It appears I only give 4 rep at a time.. Anybody know how much rep I'll need to get to 10? ;o?
  20. Can we start to ban people who do this? ^
  21. Jiggie

    Suteki's fancy new avatar

  22. Jiggie

    Are looks important?

    Looks get you started, brains keep you going. It's as simple as that. Anything other than that isn't a real relationship.
  23. Jiggie

    A working drophack?

    I wonder who made that one.. ;o