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Everything posted by LoopiLoop

  1. LoopiLoop

    Im here now new btw

    And im here to kick ass and chew bublegum :tease:
  2. LoopiLoop

    Two worlds II

    Super bow:9447-1204-8639-0832 2h Sword: 3542-3274-8350-6064 Dragon Armor: 4149-3083-9823-6545 Labyinth. Map: 6972-5760-7685-8477 1h Mace: 3654-0091-3399-0994 Shadow armor:9728-1349-2105-2168 everyone get somthing special with registering their game, ive compiled a list of those ive found! :) i am aware the game isent out yet in the US but playing TDM matches or duels online lvl 1-200 IS pwnsor sucks all the germans floodin about refusing to talk english since i dont know german. :D
  3. Its not private no more atleast :thumbsup: you can find it at [----- *How to speed hack* first of starts your game, start Darkmater1 (the .exe file) while in game and i mean in a server press F12, and speedhack is on/injected, now on to the next subject how to regulate the speed use (+) and (-) symbol on your keyboard or press < to execute the speed
  4. LoopiLoop

    (Private) Black ops Speedhack!

    He meant this place: [Downloads] I'm happy I play these things on a console :] well... there is also hacks for console :( :P anyways i will upload there
  5. LoopiLoop

    (Private) Black ops Speedhack!

    Oh i dident notice... very well then: heres the proper file the other zip is corrupt
  6. LoopiLoop

    (Private) Black ops Speedhack!

    Oh i dident notice... very well then:
  7. LoopiLoop


    :cookie?: :D