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About Malkadore

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    $p4m m4$t3r

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  • Battle.net Server
  1. Malkadore

    ValiantChaos' Maphack (Cracked)

    Go to the file called Achievements.txt, find the ID, then go to singleplayer and hit enter then type in /aa # except replace the # with the ID of the achievement. I do this while in a campaign mission but nothing happens. :( Never mind, got it to work. Thanks! :)
  2. Malkadore

    ValiantChaos' Maphack (Cracked)

    Go to the file called Achievements.txt, find the ID, then go to singleplayer and hit enter then type in /aa # except replace the # with the ID of the achievement. I do this while in a campaign mission but nothing happens. :(
  3. Malkadore

    ValiantChaos' Maphack (Cracked)

    Go to the file called Achievements.txt, find the ID, then go to singleplayer and hit enter then type in /aa # except replace the # with the ID of the achievement. while in the game lobby?
  4. Malkadore

    ValiantChaos' Maphack (Cracked)

    Im not sure where to activate the achievement unlocks when in campaign mode. Do i enter in /aa # after pressing enter (which brings up the chat interface)? Or is there a command line while in a mission?