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Everything posted by Ivrae

  1. Ivrae

    Server Command List

    Terraria/TShock/Admin Commands I apologize for the sheer size of this post. I found it necessary to create the one command post that would rule them all. ;-) Of course not all of these commands are available to regular members or even admins. DO NOT ABUSE the commands you do have. Please reply if there are commands you want to use that don't work and I'll consider adding them to your permissions. GENERAL /annoy /ban /banip /unban /unbanip -User can ban others /buff - User can buff self /gbuff or /buffplayer -User can buff other players /butcher -User can kill all enemy npcs /password -User can change password in game /login -User can login in game /p -User can use party chat in game /register -User can register account in game /me -User can talk in third person /dropmeteor /star /genore /fullmoon /bloodmoon /invade -Use can cause select events /setspawn /reload /serverpassword /save /settle /maxspawns /spawnrate /broadcast(/bc /say) /stats /world -User can edit server configurations /clear(/clearitems) -User can clear item drops. /convertcorruption /converthallow -User can convert hallow into corruption and vice-versa /antibuild /protectspawn -Allows you to edit the spawn /grow - Allows you to grow trees, herbs and cacti /hardmode /stophardmode(/disablehardmode) -User can change hardmode state /heal /item(/i) /give(/g) -User can spawn items /kick -User can kick others /kill /displaylogs -Specific log messages are sent to users with this permission /clearbans /off(/exit) /off-nosave(/exit-nosave) /checkupdates -User is notified when an update is available /additem(/banitem) /delitem(/unbanitem) /listitems(/listbanneditems) /additemgroup /delitemgroup -User can manage item bans /region /debugreg -User can edit regions /setwarp /delwarp /hidewarp -User can manage warps /mute(/unmute) -User can mute and unmute users /slap -Slap player /user /userinfo(/ui) /auth-verify Meant for super admins only /eater /eye /king /skeletron /wof(/wallofflesh) /twins /destroyer /skeletronp(/prime) /hardcore -User can spawn bosses /spawnmob(/sm) -User can spawn npcs /home /spawn /tp -User can teleport /tpallow -Users can stop people from TPing to them /tphere /sendwarp(/sw) -User can teleport people to them /warp - User can warp to set locations. (/setwarp nameofnewlocation) /whisper(/w /tell) /reply(/r) User can whisper to others MORE GENERAL !Please Note! < > = Required, [ ] = Optional /maxstacks -fills everything in your inventory to the maximum. /pos -Tells you your current X and Y Coordinates. /tppos <X> <Y> -Teleports you to the specifed X and Y Coordinates. /ruler <1/2> -Tells you the distance from the first position to the second position. There are 3 steps to using the ruler: type /ruler 1 and destroy the first block. type /ruler 2 and destroy the second block. type /ruler to get the distance from the first block to the second block. /helpop <Message> -Sends the message to all admins online. /die OR /suicide -Kills the player. /burn <player> [seconds] -Sets the player on fire for seconds. killnpc [name/id] -Kills all npcs with the name or id specified. /kickall -Kicks everyone from the server. /moon <new | 1/4 | half | 3/4 | full> -sets the current moon phase, Please Note: This might take a while to update for everyone. /b -Lets the player go back to their position before they teleported(after using /tp, /home, /spawn, /warp, /tppos and /myhome), or died. /bconvert OR /cbiome <from> <to> [region] - let's you convert the hard mode biomes (including to normal grass/stone). /si OR /searchitem OR /sitem <search term> -Displays a list of all Items and their id's that contain the specified search term. /sn OR /searchnpc OR /snpc <search term> -Displays a list of all NPC's and their id's that contain the specified search term. */sp OR /spage <page>- Lets you see more results when using /sitem or /snpc /sethome -Lets the user set a home that they can teleport back to at any time with the /myhome command (requires them to be logged in) /myhome -Teleports the user to thier home that they set with the /sethome command (requires them to be logged in) /teamunlock <Color> <Password> Unlocks the <Color> team if <Password> - is the same as the one set in the Config file (Every player can use this command). /= -Does the last command you typed! /killr <player name> <reason> -Kills the specified player with the reason . The reason shows with their death message, after their name. /disable <player name> -Disables / enables the specified player (This will not get removed even if the player re-logs). use /disable -list for a list of disabled players. Disabling the player will not allow them to move, and gives them some debuffs. /top -Teleports you to the top-most block! /up -Teleports you up a level! /down -Teleports you down a level! REGION EDITING /antibuild - Toggles build protection. /protectspawn - Toggles spawn protection. /region set [1/2] - Sets temporary region points /region name - Shows the name of the region you are in /region define [name] - Adds temporary region points into the region list /region delete [name] - Deletes the specified region /region allow [name] [regionname] - Allows a player to build in specified region /region list - Shows a named list of all regions for that world /region help - Lists region help TILE EDITING First off, you need to use /tile set 1 and /tile set 2 to define your area for most of these commands. (some require only /tile set 1) /rectangle tiletype - Fills the region you defined with tiletype. /rectangleoutline tiletype - Fills the outline of the region you defined with tiletype. /oval tiletype - Fills in an oval in the region that you defined with tiletype. /ovaloutline tiletype - Fills in the outline to an oval in the region that you defined with tiletype. /semioval left|top|right|bottom tiletype - Fills in a semi-oval in the region that you defined with tiletype, and whether or not it is the left, top, right, or bottom portion of the oval that is pasted depends on the first argument. /semiovaloutline left|top|right|bottom tiletype - Fills in a semi-oval outline in the region that you defined with tiletype, and whether or not it is the left, top, right, or bottom portion of the oval that is pasted depends on the first argument. /cleararea [front|back|wire|all] - Completely clears the defined area of all tiles. (all - destroys wires as well) /copy - Copies the defined area. /cut - Cuts the defined area. It will be deleted upon pasting, unless you copy or cut something else before doing so. /paste [tl (default) | tr | bl | br] [mirror] - Pastes the copied area at the first defined point. pastes from set point 1 paste direction is optional (default will paste from point down and right) mirror is optional - pastes and mirrors the copied/cut area /circle radius tiletype - After using /region set 1 (only one point needed), this will create a circle around that point of the radius given out of tile tiletype. /circleoutline radius tiletype - After using /region set 1 (only one point needed), this will create a circle outline around that point of the radius given out of tile tiletype. /semicircle top|left|bottom|right radius tiletype - After using /region set 1 (only one point needed), this will create a semi circle around that point of the radius given out of tile tiletype, the part of the circle being defined by whether you put top, left, bottom, or right. /semicircleoutline top|left|bottom|right radius tiletype - After using /region set 1 (only one point needed), this will create a semi circle outline around that point of the radius given out of tile tiletype, the part of the circle being defined by whether you put top, left, bottom, or right. /line tiletype - Pastes a line between the two defined points that is as thick as the brushstroke you defined. /brushstroke number - Sets the brushstroke (thickness of outlines and lines pastes). /replace tiletype1 tiletype2 - Replaces tiletype1 with tiletype 2 over the selected area. /lastarea - Sets the TempPoints to the last TempPoints you used in a tile-editing command. CHEST-CONTROL /cset - Lock the chest and sets you as owner - only you can open or destroy it ( You can use subcommand "public" to set you as owner, but everyone can open it. ) /cunset - Removes protection of chest /crset - Sets region share on chest - everyone who can build in region can open chest, they can't destroy it /cpset - Sets chest public - everyone can open it, but they can't destroy it /clock YOURPASSWORD - Sets password on chest - you can use /clock remove to disable password /ccset - Stops selecting of chest /cunlock YOURPASSWORD - Unlocks and open chest /crefill - Sets the chest to auto-refill, chest contents will always stay the same - you can use /crefill remove to disable refill to edit the chest ADVANCED WARPPLATES Create Warpplates That Send You From One Place To Another! /swp - sets warpplate - usage - /swp <name of warpplate> /dwp - deletes warpplate - usage - /dwp <name of warplate> /swpd - sets warpplate destination - usage - /swpd <name of warpplate> <destination warpplate> /rwpd - removes warpplate destination - usage - /rwpd <name of warpplate> /wpi - provides warpplate info - Stand on warplate and type /wpi or do /wpi <name of warpplate> /wpallow - turns on and off warpplates for user /reloadwarp - reloads data from table Setup a Warpplate: Create a plate on the ground and type /swp <name of warpplate> Create another plate on the ground and type /swp <name of warpplate> link the warpplates using /swpd <name of warpplate> <name of other warpplate> this will send you when you stand on the warpplate from name of warpplate to the name of the other warpplate. Jail & Prison, AFK, Chest & Kill Zones, And Command Limits /imprison - sends user to prison - and won't let them out! /setfree - lets the user out of prison /afk - sends you to afk warp /back - sends you back where you were when you typed /afk or were warped for being idle /afktime - tells you how many seconds you have been idle (doesn't reset the afktime) /setidletime - changes the default idle time from 300secs to whatever you change it too /allowchests - can give access to users to chest rooms /killzone - can give access to users to kill zones /setcmdtime - changes the default time between /item, /give, /heal commands Setup Chest Rooms: Create a region with "chests" in the name If you add a group name, prefix, or username to the region name that group, prefix, or username can enter the chest room Setup Kill Zones: Create a region with "kill" in the name If you add a group name, prefix, or username to the region name that group, prefix, or username can enter those kill zones. Users in these regions that don't have permission will be killed Setup DieMob Zones: Create a region with "diemob" in the name Mob's That Enter This Region Will Just Disappear TICKETSYSTEM -/Ticket <message/responses/clearresponses>: This is the command for users to file tickets. Those tickets are stored in a json file (located in your tshock/TicketSystem directory), "Tickets.json". This file and directory is created when the plugin is first initialized. If a user has had their tickets responded to, they can access those responses through /Ticket Responses and/or clear them with /Ticket ClearResponses. The responses will also show up on log in and when the ticket is responded to. -/TicketList* <page#>: This lists all of the tickets inside of the "Tickets.txt" file based on the page number you specify (to keep chat more organized). -/TicketClear* <id/all/response/help> <id#> <response>: This clears all the tickets, clears a specific ticket id, or responds to a ticket id. When using /TicketList it shows the id of a ticket. See the /TicketClear Help for more info. -/TicketBan* <ban/unban/list/help> <playername/playerid>: /ticketban ban <playername> stops the players ability to submit tickets. If they log out and log back in, they will still not be able to submit tickets. If you want to unban the player, do /ticketban unban <playername/playerid>. Now, you can unban players based on their ID or their name. To find a players ID, do /ticketban list (which also lists everyone who is banned). See the /TicketBan Help for more info. *These can be shortened by using /ticlist, /ticclear, or /ticban. MISC /ghost [playername] - Toggles ghost mode for you or for another. When ghost mode is on, you are invisible to other players, with the exception of those things listed in the "Things that people can still see" section. /freezetime - Freezes and unfreezes time. Great for keeping it daytime for building or nighttime for PvE fun. /autoheal [playername] - Toggles autoheal mode for you or for another. When autoheal mode is on, the server will heal you if it sees that your health is below half of your maxhealth, or your mana is below half of your maxmana. Obviously not perfect, as it tends to take a few seconds before the server realizes you need healing, and lag will obviously make it worse. /spawnmobplayer mob amount player - Don't want to be near a person when you spawn a monster, too lazy to tp to them, or do you want to send monsters from the server console in a place other than the spawn? Use this to spawn mobs by a specific player. /fly [playername] - Turns on the flying carpet, for you or for someone else! (The one made of glass and platforms. XD) This will allow you to walk/run through the air as a magic carpet of glass follows beneath you. Jump onto the platforms above to ascend. Press the "S" key to descend. Pretty amazing, I think, but be careful about lag. Doesn't destroy tiles, or anything, for that matter. Environmentally friendly. /fetch - Fetches the magic carpet to you, in case you somehow still manage to fall off, and the carpet doesn't come to you. Permission is "flymisc", because I may add the ability to give the flying carpet to other people soon. /mow regionname - Turn on auto-mow for the specified region, mowing away grass, mushrooms, corruption thorn, saplings, etc. Does not affect trees and sunflowers, mostly just the useless stuff. (Maybe I shouldn't clear saplings?) Permission is "editspawn" /permabuff buff [player] - Gives you or a player of your choice an everlasting buff. /forcegive item player [amount] - Basically the EXACT same thing as give, except the item will be spawned by the player regardless of whether or not he/she has enough room in the inventory. This idea has been up for a while, and no-one has said anything against it, so it's been implemented. Use with your own discretion. /killall - Do I even need to explain? Kills all players at once (except for you, of course). In lieu of the fact that this has the potential to be extremely disastrous, I have made its own separate permission, and the only person who can use it initially is the superadmin. I'll let you decide if you even want to distribute such a dangerous command amongst your admins. /mute player [seconds] - Mute the player specified, either until he/she leaves, you remove the mute by typing the command again, or the amount of time specified runs out. /permamute player - Mute the player by the IP. In other words, basically the /ban command, except with muting. Every time the player tries to come onto the server, he will be auto-muted until you take that mute off or remove him-her from the permaban list by using this command again. /butcherfriendly - Tired of not being able to get rid of NPCs like the merchant, and they're lagging up your server? Use this to kill all town NPCs. /butchernpc npc - Butchers all NPCs/mobs of the type specified, by id or name. /spawnbyme - Basically just /spawnmob, but the mob(s) is/are spawned right on top of you. /muteall [reason] - Mutes all players that don't have the mute permission, giving the specified reason whenever anyone without the "mute" permission tries to talk. /permabuffgroup group buff - Gives everyone in the specified group the specified buff or group of buffs as defined in the config file. /clearitems [radius|all] - Clears all items on the field either in the radius specified or a default radius of 50. /reloadmore - Reloads the More Admin Commands Config file. /viewall - Activates viewall mode, which allows you to see the position of everyone as if they were on the same team as you. The team color can be changed in the config. You cannot harm anyone via PvP on viewall mode. /spawnall - Spawns all NPCs, excluding the Dungeon Guardian, for obvious reasons. /spawngroup groupname [multiplier] - Spawns all mobs as defined in the group in the config file, the amount multiplied by the multiplier. /butchernearby [radius] - Butchers all enemies within the given radius, a radius of 50 blocks by default. /permabuffall buffname - Applies the specified permabuff to everyone, including those who connect after this command is used. *This list is a compilation of the current TSHOCK commands and plug-ins. We do not claim any authorship or ownership of said program. **If there are any typos or errors please let me know.
  2. Ivrae

    Admin/Mod Guide

    This guide is for Moderators and Admins. It was created to help us become a better team and to help us be as consistent as possible. Your Job: Assisting players that request help. Setting up Housing plots for players. Repairing the Free Build area and any other area that may be compromised from griefing. Enforcing the rules and moderating the chat log. The Rules: Respect your fellow players - you are all equal in the eyes of the WOF. Do not destroy buildings or structures outside the Free Build area. No profanity or abusive language will be tolerated. No spamming of chat. The Procedures: If a player is not abiding by our rules: (i.e. spamming, griefing, etc.) Step 1: Warn the player that their actions are against the rules. Step 2: If they continue, Kick the player. Step 3: If they still continue, ban the player. (If using a funky name, /who (see their ID) and /ban IDNUMBERHERE ) Banning IP: If you need to protect land for a player: ONLY DO SO IN THE HOUSING DISTRICT and please make sure that their land plot, weather it be by air, land or sea be of decent size. Do not add anyone to the region named housing. Use the following procedure. Imagine we are trying to protect this silver square. Step 1: /region set 1 (hit a block with a pick / in the pic above hit one of the torches) Step 2: /region set 2 (hit a second block with a pick in a square area / in the pic above hit the other torch) Step 3: /region define regionnamehere (please name the region the player's name with no spaces for ease) Step 4: /region protect regionnamehere true Step 5: /region z regionnamehere 10 Step 6: /region allow "playernamehere" regionnamehere (If needing to allow multiple players, add each in a separate command) If you need to check if an area is protected: Step 1: /region name (hit any block in the area you are checking) Step 2: It should respond with the region name. Step 3: /region info regionnamehere Tile Editing The blue squares indicate where you drill after initially entering /tile set 1, if there is an additional blue block you will have to set another point by typing /tile set 2 and clicking on a new point. (Thanks to [slimes]Clark for the picture tutorials!) If the player already build a house in the Free Build Zone, you can copy their house and paste it into the housing district. To COPY and PASTE buildings/structures: Step 1: /tile set 1 Step 2: /tile set 2 Step 3: /copy Step 4: /paste bl Step 5: Don't forget to protect! If you have any questions or suggestions for this thread, please feel free to comment I apologize for any confusion that may occur when reading through this.
  3. Please refrain from using any and all damage hacks. Please also try to rely more on /warp, /tp, or teleportation pads instead of speed no cliping. Thank you!
  4. Ivrae

    GC Admin vouches

    Sorry folks, but this is not an option. Apologies. FYI - We have only been up for a little more than a year.
  5. Ivrae

    POLL - New server or no?

    Please choose only 1.
  6. Ivrae


    what is star bound?
  7. Ivrae

    My absence.

    II'm proud of you two for telling your parents! Miss ya mucho!
  8. Ivrae

    old server if possible

    actually i thought i found it and posted it on the old maps post. Is that not the right one?
  9. Ivrae

    Old Map Downloads

    Here is the old map! The new one is now open. :thumbsup: world1.zip Also, I was searching through an old computer and think that I may have found the old HOGWARTS map! So open it up, check it out and let me know if its our old home! castle.wld.zip
  10. We aren't accepting any new applications for mods/admins. Check back on the forum in a few weeks to see if there are more openings.

  11. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other ...

  12. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  13. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  14. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  15. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  16. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  17. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  18. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other ...

  19. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  20. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  21. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  22. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  23. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other ...

  24. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...

  25. This is your interview for Ghoztcraft.net’s terraria server. Please respond with the following.

    Tell us about yourself.

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Why do you want to be a mod/admin?

    Have you ever been a mod/admin anywhere before?

    If you could be like any mod/admin who would you be like and why?

    Why should we choose you over other candid...
