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Everything posted by Cripp

  1. I love DA #Bears but they really have no chance of coming back and taking it....

  2. Crossfade - No giving Vagina. #ReplaceSongTitlesWithVagina

    1. ViperSRT3g


      The Wanted - Vagina You Came


    #In2013NoMore hate. I will be shocked if this happens!

  4. Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone has a great Christmas or what ever you celebrate!


    #IllNeverRegretMeeting all the crazy people online.

  6. Now that the Mayans are out of the picture, I will be preparing for the next end of the world genocide.


    #EndOfTheWorldConfessions I am going to die a lonely virgin.... Damn...

  8. It really surprises me what you can find on people over the net!

  9. You guys need to check out this video if you have not http://t.co/kOiKJftQ @DeStorm

  10. Cripp

    LULSec - Web Ninjas - J35t3R

    IM BACCCKK! Here you go!! Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/440545/anonymous-hacks-the-westboro-baptist-church-posts-all-their-personal-information/
  11. Why the fuck is #gun a trending topic.... Lol seriously guys? wtf

  12. Boo yah the hobbit came out tonight, I shall be making my ways to the movies!

  13. This is it guys... This is the last year will have all the numbers all the way across... #Happy 12-12!

  14. The most time you will see people look at any sort of book... #finalsweek

  15. I got in a bar fight with a bear and had to use my backpack for defense. #ExcusesForNotTurningInYourHomework

  16. I hope that @iiobeygod trolls all his new followers. This is going to be too funny.

  17. Someone who doesnt act dumb and shows there smarts.... #5ThingsIFindAttractive

  18. You know what time it is? Nap time... everyone loves nap time.

  19. THERE WE GO BEARS!!! Now time to actually do some school work...

  20. Back to 200 followers!!! I love you all but im really nothing special lol. But i love you all!!

  21. What is everyone doing for #Thanksgiving!? I have to work sadly :(

  22. Like #Adele and techno? Well you will enjoy this!!! http://t.co/PjLyhJGV

  23. When I walk out of class after a test feeling I Aced it. #WhatMakesMeSmile
