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The Eggroll Lord of Chaos

 V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by The Eggroll Lord of Chaos

  1. I would like to see it too... Luckily, I'm home for spring break and the movie ticket prices are only 7 dollars, 4 on matinees...


    I guess I better call some friends up.

  2. that's pretty intense...so where are the pics or videos?

    and aren't warts cancer in the making?

    or only if they bleed or change color or shape...


    well good luck anyway!


    That video is some funny shit its worth the 41 minutes, just watch like the first few min and u will want to see the rest


    Wow, I just sat through it too. Hmm, my first post : )

    It's funny because of the shock value and the similarities to FF...but then it gets repetitive, and you are held in suspense to when the next surprise will come. In any case, all the funny parts outweight the length of the movie.



    I don't know how to keep up with this site; there so many topics, so little time...
