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 V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by DUI_

  1. So I was looking for a free game to play at work and school that I could play in free time. Its and RPG but a lot of fun. Does anyone play?


    About it : MafiaDeath is a free browser-based online crime game. As a Mobster, you work your way up to the top by fighting, dealing in weapons, mugging, either by yourself, or in a gang.


    Server 1

    Server 2


    Both links are referral links, if you use me as a referral I will send you the bonus I get to help you out.


    If you don't want to use the referral link, I wont be able to send you the bonus but the direct link is....




    Check it out.

  2. Everything on GC from the skins to the hacks and even some of the threads were ALL stolen from Xeno. The guys over at Xeno are known for their outstanding original content, their custom made skins, and of course their 1337 hacks.


    GC as a site will AT MOST only stand in the shadow of such a wonderful site like XP. I understand why we steal their stuff... its because we look up to them. They are what we want to be one day. Let us all gather around and begin to worship.... ::worships:: XP We are not worthy.


    And then I woke up. >.<
