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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Eviljoker2k2

  1. Eviljoker2k2


    Anyone know how to inject the Zero hack. Everytime I try to open it. Zero gets a error saying "Your version of zero is out of date. Please obtain a new version. Please help
  2. Eviljoker2k2


    I have the right version for zero, but I think its the launcher thats not working.
  3. Eviljoker2k2

    New Annihilation

    Anyone know how to work /zstack for stacking zergs?
  4. Eviljoker2k2

    [1.13f] Annihilation X3

    New about this is __________________________________________________ F2 - Help F6 - Supply Hack for >>>PROTOSS<<< End - Prime2006 CPU Stress Program (StarCraft version) Numpad 0 - Drop all players (Not available in Public version) ___________________________________________________ wished the drop all players were in pubilc ver. X|
  5. Eviljoker2k2

    New Starcraft Hack Pandora

    Someone know where to get this hack. Heard it has mineral hack for all races, drop hack, two crash hacks, and host hack where you can switch slots with the computer good if your in a UMS game and you want to be the computers units.
  6. Eviljoker2k2

    Toss Hack

    Only thing good for protoss is the refund hack.
  7. Eviljoker2k2

    Other Hacks For Starcraft

    Yup Stigmata Public 1.0.6 is another good one.