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 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Poply

  1. Poply

    Router help

    Anything by Cisco or Linksys (which is owned by Cisco) should be fine. Check the reviews on Newegg.
  2. Poply

    Imageshack Hacked

  3. Poply

    Imageshack Hacked

    Finally, some good white hat hackers.
  4. Poply


  5. Poply

    The $17,500 Video Game

    The only known copy of Resident Evil 1.5 was once offered to the guy who owns it for over $6000. And he refused!
  6. Poply

    My computer :-D

    And I thought my 6 case fans was overkill.
  7. Poply

    Happy 4th of July 2009

    I like the dog in that picture.
  8. Poply

    My interacrive dota video

    I've never played Dota. "Yes or no" to what?
  9. Poply

    Michael Jackson Cardiac Arrest

    Cardiac arrest and was found not breathing. I doubt he is alive.
  10. Poply

    Can you guess who?

    Is it Rob?
  11. Poply

    show off your Courage wolf/Advice dog!

    Not my boyfriend!!!! Oh god no!!
  12. Poply

    Iran's Disputed Election

    This stuff is really interesting. It's too bad it can't be more peaceful.
  13. Poply

    Facebook usernames!

    Don't bother wasting your time with them.
  14. Poply

    Playing SC with GamePad?

    No. Unless you use some 3rd party program or are playing Starcraft 64. Now a better question is, why would you want to?
  15. Poply

    Battle Hacks : Animate Header

    You made those? If so, very impressive.
  16. Poply

    No Tornados in Utah Speedskater?

    I'm not sure if the pics are dark enough.
  17. Poply

    Cabal Hacks

    Guys, it only took us a year, but we've put a stop to this man's tyranny of spreading computer viruses! Let's congratulate ourselves.
  18. Poply

    Help me out here...

    The third.
  19. Poply

    Wanting To Learn To Hack

    As Slasher said, start with Assembly.
  20. Poply


  21. Poply

    I want candy!

    Bubblegum and taffy?
  22. Poply

    Who Am Im Thinking Of

    Martin Luther King Jr. did NOT free the blacks from slavery. You should know that.
  23. Poply

    I wish this would happen to all them

    They should neuter the kid. Wouldn't want those genes passed on.
  24. Poply

    People who shouldn't have the internet.

    Hm.... I don't understand either.
  25. Poply

    Happy Birthday Poply!

    No kidding. It was intense.