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Everything posted by Speedskater

  1. Speedskater


    Last one was a couple of days.
  2. Speedskater

    It's offical my sport is cool

    No big deal. However I'm really confused because we have no association with 5 gum. so yeah
  3. Speedskater

    It's offical my sport is cool

    Ha I would love to see a commercial for this instead of an add
  4. Speedskater

    Happy Birthday XGhozt!

    Happy Birthday! And yeah we know we are
  5. Speedskater


    I love the look of carbon fiber, good there's a skater who put a layer of it on his helmet
  6. Speedskater

    New Starcraft 2 units revealed!

    As you guys know blizzard released silhouettes of new units they created for HOTS. Thanks to husky here is a video should what they look liked and what they are capable of What's your guy's opinion? did you hope for more? I personally wanted one of the protoss units to heal shield in some way. also they're removing the mothership which seems stupid since they gave it a buff.
  7. Speedskater

    Headphones aren't working in video games

    It's a laptop, my headphones work for everything but Starcraft 2. They aren't USB Headphones, they're just you standard earbud headphones.
  8. Speedskater


    Well I try to be with a handful amount of friends and just hangout. Also have you thought about seeing a therapist? Mine actually helped me out with a lot of problems I was going through. If you're skeptical or don't like your therapist know it's not mandatory but it won't hurt just to try it. Lastly perhaps taper off the alcohol it's considered to be a depressant.
  9. Speedskater


    Only on LSD does it speak >_>
  10. Speedskater

    Post a picture of yourself

    You know I've yet to post a picture of myself :o
  11. Speedskater

    LULSec - Web Ninjas - J35t3R

    sometimes I wish I was a 1337 haxzor
  12. Speedskater

    Post a picture of yourself

    I doubt he will.
  13. Speedskater


    Yeah honest mistake. I actually forget they are actually there sometimes. but has viper said the adds just help keep THIS website up. And you know not many people are to fond when adds continuously pop up. *cough* youtube *cough*
  14. Speedskater


    Ignorance bliss. way before you guys joined our site we would donate our money to this site either by simply buying "VIP" or simply just donating. Also I can't wait to see this on fail blog. The internet community usually loves to make fun of arrogant kids who complain.
  15. Speedskater


    I'm agreeing with Ruler, stop being a little bitch especially since you can always create or go to another server. Chris took his own time to create the server and kept it up for a while. Also if you want to be taken even remotely seriously don't complain so much. Lastly I don't care if ruler made a song of someone taking a shit I'd like it better than whatever you made because I respect him more than you.
  16. Speedskater

    Vote for Terraria Server Back

    ha nice picture <3 rofl
  17. Speedskater

    *Sniff Sniff* I smell bullshit.

    Where are you quoting this? provide a source. and if the source is an email It's obviously BS, false news website BS, actually news on a legitimate news station; potential to be bias but most likely not BS
  18. Speedskater

    Guess who's getting sponsored?

    To get sponsored I would assume.. :o herp derp?
  19. Speedskater


    there's a you tube channel that goes over basic stuff that helped me a lot. and then you should just fuck around with it.
  20. Speedskater

    Guess who's getting sponsored?

    Hey! he got sponsors he'll enjoy it well even if he does lose them. and he can get more :P
  21. Speedskater

    If you could live...

    That's true cripp plus shit happens every second I like you choice
  22. Speedskater

    If you could live...

    if you could live in any video game what game would you live in? now here is the catch. You're not the hero of the game just some civilian watching everything happen. One rule, you can't live in sims, or terraria, or similar games
  23. Speedskater

    What toy did/do you sleep with?

    Actually when I was little I had a blanket that I slept with