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Kuro - Humility

 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Kuro - Humility

  1. Kuro - Humility

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    B'aw. My lousy attempt at humor was trumped by logic. Let's cheese it!
  2. Kuro - Humility

    Ghoztcraft 5000 Post Contest

    No, 'eff you, I'm a very nice guy. :)
  3. Kuro - Humility

    Autopsy uncovers cocaine in Billy Mays

    So that white stuff on the Oxyclean commercials probably wasn't Oxyclean. No wonder he was so fucked up, like Christmas for him. RIP.
  4. Kuro - Humility

    Don't Hate

    Pubes, I am a man. HA. Classic.
  5. Kuro - Humility

    Edit the Picture v2

  6. Kuro - Humility

    Edit the Picture v2

  7. Kuro - Humility

    Background O-0

    I've recently sold my awesome custom built computer(sad, I know.) and bought a new HP tx2000 fully loaded. One of the things I like about the Laptop itself is the echo imprint. A very abstract photo finish on top of it... So, I figured I'd make an abstract background to go along with it. It's one of my favorite characters Urahara. Comments/Real critisism welcomed. This is my first abstract background, please be gentle but firm. =)
  8. Kuro - Humility

    Why Magical Trevor Is A Nerd.

    Of all the reactions, you pick the punctuation of his Flame. LOL! <3
  9. Kuro - Humility

    A Few Planets That I've Made

    Here's a Galaxy I made about a year ago and some pics as proof I did it. >>
  10. Kuro - Humility

    Poll: Usenet/news Servers

    Just curious. I use Usenet rather often. Comments/Questions are awesome.
  11. Kuro - Humility

    New! Gmail Custom Time...

  12. Kuro - Humility

    Amd Adds Triple-core Processors

    Ghozt, haha. You remind me of a Humanoid version of Digg.com. Sweet. =D
  13. Kuro - Humility

    Importance Of Prom

    Losing your virginity on Prom night, let alone Senior prom night, is a very Cliché event. I believe a Prom night is the last night of fun with your friends, especially your high school friends. Because in two months, where are your friends going to be? They're either going to be off for college, a job, or doing whatever they want. Losing your virginity is nothing to be too quick about. When you lose it, you lose it. Every body's different so no one will say the exact same thing. Bleh, I'm just rambling. Sorry.
  14. Kuro - Humility

    How To Cheat On Any Test

    No, you hope to bump into someone you knew AT USC. ^.^
  15. Kuro - Humility

    New Sig

    Whatever you say, you win. ^^ P.S. You don't have to start trying to type correctly to be on par with me, it's okay.
  16. Kuro - Humility

    How To Cheat On Any Test

    Cool, I'm getting married by 23. =}
  17. Kuro - Humility

    New Sig

    Lol sure simple, that sig is 17 layers. and just cuz i don't brush whore my sigs like ow lets say you. dose not mean its simple Every time I say something, you seem to attack. Why are you so defensive? I was not once derogatory towards your sig. I said it was simplistic. It does not, in any way, infer that you have no skill. So, get off your high horse, boyo.
  18. Kuro - Humility

    New Sig

    You seem to do a lot of simplistic Sigs. Not bad. I should start working on my Bleach sigs again.
  19. Kuro - Humility

    Dementia Test

    1. Second 2. You've lapped them 3. 4100 4. Mary Bonus: "Give me a pair of sunglasses," says the blind man.
  20. Kuro - Humility

    How To Cheat On Any Test

    4 years of school ehh? thats about all you have left Wanna go halvsies on a watch? Uh, no. Lol. Dare I say possibly 8 years? Maybe 10 if I feel up to it. A PHD by 28 isn't bad. :P But, definately 7-8 years for the both of us.
  21. Kuro - Humility

    How To Cheat On Any Test

    This idea is very old, it was originally on Tech TV's: Unscrewed with Martin Sargent. Kevin Rose introduced this as a Dark Tip. Although, he originally introduced it as a Snicker's Bar. He also conveyed the idea of using bottles and other substances. It's so easy to do this crap. You can actually hack a smart watch to achieve the same results almost to be almost invisible. So, got 150 bucks and fair computer knowledge? Great way to breeze through 4 years of school. :P
  22. Kuro - Humility

    Find People's Addreses!

    Haha, Proxy + Fake CC ftw, anyone? =D
  23. Kuro - Humility

    Starcraft 2 Release Date

    Yeah, most consumers(definitely me), are not very expendable with money. So, obviously if they are looking for just one thing, it'll be that. It's hit or miss, nonetheless, it's a good move.
  24. Kuro - Humility

    Starcraft 2 Release Date

    You guys kinda' aren't seeing the other end of the looking glass. What's December? Christmas, right? This is to generate revenue and interest for the game as well as pretty much obliterate the other competition by releasing the game up near Christmas to build excitement and anticipation for the game. I severely doubt they would remove it like they did SC: Ghost, simply because of the fact that this game WOULD make them a lot of money--and I mean A LOT. So, that being said, I understand their strategy. As far as specs for the games go, I'd speculate that you'd probably need somewhere beyond 2.5 GHz, 1 GB of ram, and possibly a Nvidia 8x Gen card. It's still a RTS game, I don't think it'll be TOO demanding--I could be wrong, though.
  25. Kuro - Humility

    IP Address Changer

    This is a IP masker, probably won't help your situation, but since you asked for it, here it is. Just make sure you're connected directly to your modem, or else it will not work. This doesn't change it. It masks it, for your info. http://chuck.bombmaking.info/DHCPIPForcer.zip