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Dark Templar

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About Dark Templar

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  1. Dark Templar

    Holy Divine

    Yeah, anybody can get it. It's in the sources location, plus its outdated and completely patched.
  2. Dark Templar

    Drop Hack

    You wanna play a game with me then? :D
  3. Dark Templar

    Drop Hack

    Yeah, I have it, but it's pri... leaked. If everyone had a drophack like andrew said, then it would come down to whoever drops everybody first wins.
  4. Dark Templar

    [1.13f] Annihilation X3

    why dont you just try it out instead of posting the same thing again?
  5. Dark Templar

    Annihilation Glitch

    have you found the glitch that lets you change color? i accidentaly hit home, then my hand happened to hit ! and i started typin and it was different color!!! WTF?!?!
  6. Dark Templar

    [1.13f] Annihilation X3

    a lot of people said this didnt work for them, but i havent tried cause annihilation x2 is good enough for me
  7. Dark Templar

    [1.13e] Injector_Tool

    i tried using this and its pretty good, but is there anyway to make stacraft permanently load the dll hacks i have?
  8. Dark Templar

    Starcraft Update: 1.13f

    lol, i was still playing starcraft 1.13e with inhale and zero loaded and everyone was like "blizzard made new patch, you cant use inhale" then i did some inhale type stuff and they thought i was 1337 then i quit out, got the patch, and now no more hacking fun :)
  9. Dark Templar

    Free Zero.dll Here No Post Reqd Works On Mnew Patch!

    it increased by 15 since 10 minutes ago but i know where you can't download it pm me and ill give you every link you need :)
  10. Dark Templar

    Plastic Golf Ball Bomb

    damn you guys make lotsa bombs
  11. zeros good, also stigmata and annihilation x2
  12. Dark Templar


    hey, just joined the site, hope you guys are nice and stuff