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Everything posted by Aimcrack

  1. Aimcrack

    Selection Hack

    I am ashamed of myself for coming here and beggin for a hack... but I read about this hack, and it seems fun to me and a lot of help similar to multicommand... does anyone have a link to a working one or could somone help a friend out.
  2. Aimcrack

    Selection Hack

    thank you guys for helping me out, unlike at bwhacks.com if i even tried asking that i would get... google.com ... we dont supposrt that.... you damn n00b asking for h4x0r5... lol but thanks
  3. Aimcrack

    C++ Tutorial

    Thanks, I'm glad to be of help.
  4. Aimcrack


    Sup guys im new here, just wanted to say sup and all that good stuff.
  5. Aimcrack

    [1.13e] BagFullOfSh1t 0.1.1

    what was that...
  6. Aimcrack

    zerg mineral hack

    Right now there is the old version that works and the newest one, and the newest one i haven't seen, so you should look for the old one 4.0.0 or something.
  7. Aimcrack

    Multicommand that is not dectable by pp

    ...doesn't it detect it by clicks per second... doesn't a macro do the same thing?