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Everything posted by DeathTheKid

  1. DeathTheKid

    Nuke Anywhere Hack?

    ahhhh yeah it was me yesterday you was on USwest yesterday right? well anyway yeah the nuke anywhere does not work i tried it without obliv or anyother hacks And yeah theres like an oblivion user in every game i go in so it's reeaaaally annoying so i just drop them because i myself stopped using oblivion because they got so ANNOYING i mean every time they spoof they join the game they drop you in the lobby bam gotta rm i rm bam dropped again so i say fuck it i'll join some other game i join some other game bam there in that one i get dropped then i figure out there using the /whois command to fucken track my every game so i just log off and log on another account pretty annoying btw is there a black list hack i'd love one if any one could point me in the direction of one so i can black list them
  2. DeathTheKid

    1000+ Starcraft Keys?

    LOL Wanna "Donate" me some keys?
  3. DeathTheKid

    Nuke Anywhere Hack?

    I thought I have told you several times that is not possible. :D My nuke anywhere works pretty much the same as the one in YAMC, it still selects the nuke. Yeah every time i use nuke anywhere i crash maybe i been loadin a bunch of other hacks with it donno ill see Side quiestion:Is this the true zynastor or a poser?
  4. DeathTheKid

    Protoss Mineral Exploit In Action

    I too have experience somthing like this but i thought it was just me but this guy had a whole army of zealots in under 5mins maybe he was pro( I mean like omega pro i mean like so pro that even pros think that hes pro then pro of the proiest of the pros like a god i know this makes no sense what so ever but maybe he was like OMEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA pro i donno :D)? maybe he hacked? maybe I WAS FUCKEN DREAMING i donno just saying i was amazed at how fast i got owned
  5. DeathTheKid

    Halo 3 Machinima

    Funny halo 3 machinima i found
  6. DeathTheKid

    Halo 3 Machinima

    well i thought it was funny lol
  7. DeathTheKid

    Halo Vs Samus

    lmao mastercheif is a girl?
  8. DeathTheKid

    Sig And Avatar :)

    verify wat?
  9. DeathTheKid

    zDrophack Trojan?

    Jailout2000 has a website with all these private hacks (well some) but i donno if hes at GC ive just been to his website i would post the link but then people would know where....