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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by obiwan393

  1. obiwan393


    Thanks a lot man :P
  2. obiwan393


    Win32:Trojan-gen {Other} Nevermind: Apparently it thinks it's a trojan because it injects, also, there was a trojan called zloader as well so maybe its confuzing them. But, if my pc ever dies. :D
  3. obiwan393


    Hey, my avast antivirus started picking up a trojan in zloader :S. Is it safe to use? Right now i cant inject anything cause it quarantines zloader as soon as i try to open it. Edit: I tried downloading a fresh copy from your link above and it detects a trojan in that one too.
  4. obiwan393

    New Starcraft Hacks For Download Free.

    That makes sense now. I was going crazy trying to find oblivion 3.06 ;)
  5. obiwan393

    Vote On Hack Features

    Umm, definately add nuke anywhere. everything else looks good so far
  6. obiwan393

    Goodbye All

    Well, good luck and be careful when you finally ship out.
  7. obiwan393

    5 word story

    it drove off a cliff