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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Rakes

  1. Rakes

    Ally Chat Not Working?

    Nah I'm not using Apocalypse, and I have made sure that it definitely says 'Allies: blah blah' and yet enemies still hear me every time I say anything... I don't know if there's a clash in the hacks I'm using, them being: Zynastors MH, null drop, km9 and host hack.
  2. Rakes

    The Flu...!

    Oranges, soup, and that crazy game show MXC
  3. Rakes

    12 Year Old Sued For Downloading Music

    All take and no give.. That's the reason that there are so many people saying 'please seed'.. nah just joking I do the same thing sometimes cos of the same sort of laws here in Australia, although I did get picked up by a honeypot.... it was just a warning but I haven't torrented a lot of popular stuff since...
  4. Rakes

    The Karma Game

    I like your attitude