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Everything posted by Fc3sZero

  1. Fc3sZero

    SC2 Video - Summarizing what we know

    I like the fact about upgrading units becuase it doesn't seem so empty every time you beat a mission. Build up your force, annihilate the enemy, win and move on to the next mission starting over with nothing form the last mission. Kinda like Warcraft 3. I didn't care much for it except when you had the Hero and gathered items to upgrade it.
  2. Fc3sZero

    Post a picture of yourself

    Here's my mug shot. At a wedding and the tux I'm wearing was black/pink. rather long time ago but I look pretty much the same.
  3. Fc3sZero

    Songs That Get Stuck In Your Head.

    Anything from Queen :suicide:
  4. Fc3sZero

    Starcraft 2 Ending?

    I think that perhaps the Protoss and terran win and the Zerg are all but destroyed and the remaining are kept in a stasis chamber. ya know.. to keep it open for a Starcraft 3
  5. Fc3sZero

    SC2 Video - Summarizing what we know

    Blizzard "It will be done when it's done." That is sooo blizzard right there. The stubborn and overbearing parent of us all. I'm pretty stoked about the single player campaign. I like the fact you can upgrade unit between missions and how it's not a linear type gameplay.
  6. Fc3sZero

    Cows in Starcraft II?

    I'd have to agree. Heroes would make more since becuase it's more of a joke then anything. If it was a buildable unit the joke would get old and seem more cheezy
  7. Fc3sZero

    Ps3, Wii, or Xbox 360?

    Then don't buy a PS3 and STFU
  8. Fc3sZero

    Vote To Get Back Flame Post Count!

    So whats this all about? I'm too lazy... so umm upload a .wav file so I can listen.
  9. Fc3sZero

    Ps3, Wii, or Xbox 360?

    My friend has a Wii. They have some bizarre stuff. One game it seemed like the developer was high on LSD when he came up with it.
  10. Fc3sZero

    Ps3, Wii, or Xbox 360?

    I seriously hope that "you dumb fuck" comment wasn't directed towards me. I merely stating a point in my local area. There is nothing ignorant about my comment. I prefer computers over console anyways.
  11. Fc3sZero

    Ps3, Wii, or Xbox 360?

    Well I can agree with you that on a mass scale it may not be that bad but when I personally know at least 6 friends that have had to ship there Xbox back.. can't exactly be called bullshit. perhaps a bad batch? Although I'm not sure about the PS3. you might be right i dunno.
  12. Fc3sZero

    What Would You Do?

    You pay for Porn? :D Oh and Trever I like your sig. I stare at it for hours.
  13. Fc3sZero

    Paying Taxes On The Internet?

    Maybe. which moon? I wont settle for our moon. I want something cool like Titan.
  14. Fc3sZero

    Ps3, Wii, or Xbox 360?

    I'd pick the PS3 over any other them simply becuase of the controller. I'm not a big console guy but I tried to play on the other ones and I'm just more suited for the ps3 controllers. and all the bad shit I hear about Xbox 360, and my friends having to ship it back becuase something broke, I don't feel comfortable forking over several hundred dollars for something like that. The wii is just
  15. Fc3sZero

    Paying Taxes On The Internet?

    Hope what ever president we get next, gets us outa this sink hole Bush got us in
  16. Fc3sZero

    What Would You Do?

    diapers :resent:
  17. Fc3sZero

    A 6 Month Ruined

    There are plenty of things you can do without spending money. Now if she has a problem with you not spending money on her then you know where this will lead. I have more fun with my wife when we go out to the park and go for a walk. Perhaps pack something for a picknic ( <-- I haven't used that word in years so i'm not sure about spelling) and just talk about future plans for just anything that comes to mind. If thats too corny for her then you can always mud wrestle :black eye:
  18. Fc3sZero

    Paying Taxes On The Internet?

    I think you were thinking about the % amount of each tax. I was thinking about the total amount of different taxes. But yeah i think you are right. Although I think it wouldn't hurt if the government would take more care about how much money they spend and how much "disappears" I miss Bill Clinton.
  19. Fc3sZero

    Oh Yes... I'm Like A Infection.

    Name: Daniel Favorite Game: Starcraft Age: 25 Favorite Color: Blue Where are you from: Sacramento, California Where did you hear about us: reaperz.. his ass still around? Who are you ( SN ):havn't played in a long time. doubt it's still there but Fc3sZero What are you: is this a philosophical question? What do you represent: Myself Gaming Screen Name: Fc3sZero Have a GirlFriend: No I'm married Why did you come here: Because XP went down and I had no where else to go. Who is your Idol: Steven hawking and Felix Wankel What can you do: - Program? Like tv show? - Script? Didn't like being a part of plays thank you - Read? I'm one of the lucky ones that can read - Spell? I'm still working on that. About you (Description): I currently live in Oregon. I'm 25. I'm married with a 12 year old step daughter and a baby boy due in .. shit 4 weeks. I enjoy motorsports such as Drag racing, AutoX and hill climb. Like to move up to SoloII events. I also sit in front of the computer entirely to much. I enjoy games such as Starcraft, Baldur's gateII, Neverwinter nights, Freelancer and currently working on Darkstar 1. I'm willing to put down some decent arguments becuase I'll never see any of you so I don't care what you think of me. Some here already know me. That maybe a good thing or bad thing but we will see. I plan on sticking around. Just cause i looked left and seen it. thought it was amusing
  20. Fc3sZero


    I never really got into RE, so my choice would have to be Starcraft 2. I'm dying to know what will happen next. Hopefully it wont be a let down. If it is, I'm going to drive my car through a crowd of elderly people... in wheel chairs.
  21. Fc3sZero

    Paying Taxes On The Internet?

    I live in Oregon. We pay no sales tax. I shouldn't be taxed for my purchases online. On another note, I think the government has entirely too many taxes. If they need more money, I believe they should look at how they spend the money they already get and spend it more intelligently. I don't tell my boss she needs to give me more money becuase I'm broke.
  22. Fc3sZero

    Oh Yes... I'm Like A Infection.

    I didn't even care what special things I get when I'm VIP. I just wanted my name blue and to be important. Yeah I'll miss flogging the sh*t out of this car, and no minivan for this chump. Thinking about the Lexus Is-f or a cheaper Evo9. I can't drive something that doesn't excite me.
  23. Fc3sZero

    Oh Yes... I'm Like A Infection.

    I bought my VIP status with Xp for no real reason so I don't see why I wont here. Whoa whats up Zar? Yeah i was just kinda hanging around thinking one day Xp might be up but it never happened and no way for me to get in contact with XP (the person) Yeah still reading meters. Hoping to move somewhere else in the company. I'm bored with my job too. But since my baby is coming I can't exactly move anywhere to do training. So I'll just bide my time til something comes up. Marriage life is great. Right now I'm on her shit list but it's all good. Just a minor bump along the way. Sucks I gotta get rid of our car cuase the baby seat doesn't really fit so well in the back of our g35 :threaten: Not that I have any problem with this place like others did. I made an account here awhile back. Just was hoping Xp would be back so I can get back to harassing all my friends there again. haha