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Posts posted by nesucks

  1. Here is a spambot for bnet


    comes with cdkeys, proxy scanner, and proxy ranges.

    It also has help text files you should look at if you have ANY problems.


    If you compare genocide 1.7f source (compiled including api calls etc) to genocide 1.8, you'll notice very little difference and proof that genocide 1.8 is trojan/virus free. Genocide exe passes all virus scans.


    Genocide 1.7f is one version behind genocide 1.8 and is not warden proof. You should only download genocide 1.7f to see the genocide code and have visual basic installed on your computer.


    Genocide 1.8 currently is the ONLY warden proof spambot for bnet.



  2. App you'll need: http://home.doramail.com/nesucks%3Adoramai...keyanalyzer.exe



    Cdkeys are required for certian games to sucessfully login battle.net. Only 1 bot may

    use 1 cdkey to be logged in (except for sc) on a battle.net realm. If a bot or client tries

    to log on battle.net when a bot or client is currently logged on using the same cdkey then

    the login can't be successful. Battle.net returns cdkey in use error. Cdkeys that log in

    battle.net are hard to attain because they are a unique set of alphanumeric letter

    (except for sc). There are 2 algorithms or set of algorithms used for cdkeys.


    One algorithm is the format of the cdkey. This algorithm determines whether the set of

    alphanumeric (or numeric for sc) can be used to install the game. Nearly all cdkey

    generators use this algorithm. This algorithm is easy to crack via reverse engineering.


    The other algorithm is on battle.net itself and can't be viewed. This algorithm only

    allows only a very small portion of the cdkeys that pass the game algorithm. This is

    why there are basically no online key generators. Without the algorithm, you do not

    know if a cdkey works unless you test it on the server. This is a problem because

    battle.net limits the amount of logins and cdkey tests against a server for a certian

    period of time.


    The cdkey has 3 parts. The product, public, private, and checksum values of the cdkey.

    A game cdkey generator only calculates a cdkey that would result in a proper checksum

    of the cdkey. This allows you to install the game. For example, the starcraft cdkey's

    checksum is the 13th digit of the starcraft cdkey. You can make up any 12 digit number

    and only one number in the 13th digit will work. This means that every 12 digit number

    combination contains a product, public, and private value.


    Only certain product values are allowed on battle.net. For example, when a starcraft

    cdkey is decrypted, only 2 product values are allowed on battle.net. Since there are

    100 possible product values, this means that the probability of sending the correct

    product value to battle.net is 1 out of 50. When you send a product value not allowed on

    battle.net, the error message "cdkey is for another game" is returned. When the product

    value is correct, battle.net will only return the messages ["cdkey in use",

    "cdkey invalid", or "cdkey works"] This means that the cdkey will either work or not

    ever work.



    When a cdkey is invalid, either battle.net has temporarily turned it invalid or it is

    permanently invalid. An invalid cdkey that is permanently invalid means that the product

    and public value do not match with the private value calculated by battle.net. This means

    that you have the incorrect private value for that cdkey. Generating the private value is

    key to generating a working battle.net cdkey. A cdkey can temporarily turn invalid after

    using it to connect to a battle.net realm to often.




    Now using key analyzer, download this list of cdkeys.




    All of these cdkeys work on battle.net. But if 1 cdkey is in use, all of them will be in use. This is because all of the cdkeys have the same product-public value. All of the private values work because the algorithm for the product-public value works with the private value.


    Ohh and btw I figured out this about 2-3 years ago before anyone, I've done much more research since then.


    I have a keygen that does about 1 in 50 chance to generate a cdkey


    That's how I get 9,000 sc keys working and put 2,000 in genocide. I just remade my scanner and now going to duplicate cdkeys so I'll have about 500k. To bad none of you noobs can have any.


    I have 500 war3 roc, 250 d2 orig, 20 war2. I'm not even kidding, somebody give me a time to load so i'll show u #400+ @lordaeron / azeroth all never in use cdkeys working. If there is a voided or in use cdkey in my list I delete it.


    I modded genocide 1.5a to genocide 1.5a`private cdkey scanner and you will never see it.


    The cdkey gens on here are just shitty random number generators, nobody knows shit about bnet except me. I know tons of exploits too, fucking kids will never figure out.

  3. I've got 500 working rarely in use war3 roc cdkeys.


    I can load with genocide 1.5a and show u #300@azeorth or @lordaeron


    However, I won't give you any because I'm an ass-hat. Feel free to -rep me for being a show-off attention whore.

  4. Genocide sucks because of the backdoor.


    And all the backdoor does is give the bot operator cdkeys and proxies over bnet. Genocide is going to come with cdkeys, so the bot owner would really just be getting the proxies. The bot owner has every good proxy range on the internet + knows how to get mixed proxies. So the backdoor shouldn't concern you and has been documented so it isn't really a backdoor since backdoors by definition are undocumented. You don't know if another bots are backdoored.

  5. Clan wars a funny, especially when they can't beat me back. And I never asked for someones help. I simply said you could join in the fun if you wish. And the CD Keys that this bot uses are encrypted. So Zhuinden, you have no use for the keys.


    Genocide 1.5 is coming out soon with a new set of cdkeys (500) since the old ver got its cdkeys cracked then banned.
