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Peace Within.

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I found, This wile searching certain things. And i was drawn, In all most instantly. I found my self enjoying, This very much to the point where, I was listen to music and like the music faded away. Wile i was reading it truly a place to find peace i give it 2 thumbs up.


I did not write it i'm just posting it for the world to see the true greatness behind a person when inspiration hits them



:blush2: this has given me a new reason to write my poetry! Tell me what you guys think about it




Peace Within.


It was the perfect day for a walk outside. It's not every day one gets to take a stroll in such weather. The wind was blowing at just the right temperature and speed. You could feel it hit your face, as if it was just cool enough to really feel the wind. Other days the wind was hot and the sun was bright, but not today, today was perfect. If you take a breath, it was as if it wanted you to breath deeper. The sun was at the right angle, and you could see the blue sky. Even the moon was visible though the blue. No one was out here but me. Ever so peaceful out here, at this park. It was quiet enough to hear the grass move, he trees brush against the branches. There were no cars, the streets where empty and the people where quietly in their homes.


I walked down the middle of the field where the hill was, I wanted to see it from the middle. Be able to look in every direction and see incredible beauty. During the winter and rainy days they used this park for holding the water. It would be drained into here so the streets would stay dry. It was just like any other park, except there was a hill in the middle and to the left and right where like a pool filled with grass with no water, and a lot less deeper. Apparently it was pretty effective, the grass was cut and the trees where lined up and maintained. I'm almost to the middle now, walking slow enough to take it all in, but fast enough to hear the breeze as it brushed by me.


Reaching the middle of the field filled my soul with joy, excited to be standing here on such a perfect day, and enough excitement to close my eyes. They say, when you close your eyes the other senses pick up for lost cause. They say you can hear more, and feel more. With my eyes closed it was swimming in the air. I could ear everything, I could feel the wind brush by me, almost as if it went right though me. Suddenly me feet lifted off the ground, the wind, the light, the joy, it was overwhelming. I went higher, the wind got stronger and I felt weightlessness. You don't realize how much effort it takes just to walk until you are making no movement. I was completely relaxed, not using any muscles in my body. I had to trust the wind, I stay still, not moving a muscle. Not a thought was going though my head right at that moment, it was utter peace. Floating there, with nothing to think about, or worry about. No sounds but the sound of the wind, and my heart. Perhaps I wont move, just stay here forever.


It was as if thinking a thought was someone screaming in ear, it was so loud compared to this much peace. I started falling, it was like a roller coaster without the harness. I had to trust the wind, it would carry me back. Falling from the sky, without movement or a thought echoing in my head, just falling, leaving behind me anything I said. But then my feet hit the grass and my back was ever so gently placed on the ground. I open my eyes and I begin to walk to society. Back to the cars roaring and the people screaming. Back to what we call home, back to my home.


They say nothing lasts forever, but that doesn't mean I can't go back.

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I like it!

It's nice,really serene, calming and somewhat cheerful!

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O.O thats fucking sweet sounds like a stoner wrote that haha

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Its very descriptive, i personally liked it.

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