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How to get into a free movie

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Movie theaters are made similar to each other, thanks to this we can use it against them if the design is right.


The easiest way to pull this off is if the bathrooms are Behind the inside Ticket Grabber. If not it can still be done, but a little more obvious.


The Easy Way


Step One: Go directly into the building, don't go to the people where you buy your ticket outside.


Step Two: (This step will decide whether you have the easier way or the harder way) If the theater has Bathrooms behind or at least near the person that Collects/Rips your ticket Inside the theater then all you do is either walk directly past without a ticket and head to the bathroom. If you are questioned when passing just say you are going to the bathroom.


Step Two and a Half: This is a step where you have to make the decision. You can either actually walk into the bathroom and just chill for a minute, or you can walk twords them but then turn around and move twords your movie room.


Step Three: Proceed to where your movie is being played, go in sit down and enjoy.


Step Four: All theaters have extra exists Straight from the movie rooms to the outside, take one of these when leaving the building to ensure a safe leave.


The Harder Way


Do the same as the previous Step One


Step Two: Since you have no bathrooms, your going to have to wait until either 1 of 2 conditions are met. Either 1 the ticket collector is helping others which is giving him a distraction letting you bypass, or condition 2. You wait until the place gets really busy and you can just slide in with the rest of the crowed. The two concepts are the same; You want his attention to be on someone else.


Step Three is the same as above, find the room sit down and enjoy.


Step Four is the same as well. Leave the theater using the Extra exits directly from the movie room.




For extra protection it's a good idea to know where the movie you want to see for the correct playing time is being held BEFORE attempting these steps. How you find the correct movie room is up to you. Be creative. :(





I, Suteki am not responsible for the result of your actions from attempting this tutorial. What you choose to do is up to you, this is merely for educational purposes only.

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Nice :(. That's basically what I do when I run out of money but want to see a movie.

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yeah i duno what kinda theatres you got but in front of the theatre places they check tickets again.

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I have done that so many times when I lived in Las Vegas.


Here's another way!


1. Look for a semi-attractive middle class girl, (that you don't want a relationship with) to ask out to a movie date.


2. Ask the girl out. If she accepts then continue with #3 If she declines then repeat steps 1 and 2 until you get one.


3. Take the girl to the movies but don't bring your wallet. Make sure that you arrive only 5 mins before the movie starts.


4. When you get to the theaters and are about to purchase the tickets say "OH CRAP I FORGOT MY WALLET!"


5. BAM she pays for it and you get a free movie! :thumbsup:

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Either that Zar or she comes assuming you'll pay and she has no money.

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yeah i duno what kinda theatres you got but in front of the theatre places they check tickets again.


Then repeat Step Two.

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Century Theaters works like that.

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Hm. Not a bad game plan if the theater's set up for it, I guess. Course, none of this would've likely worked at the one I used to work at...except maybe Zar's o.o. We watched that shit like hawks.


Of course, it did happen from time-to-time...but usually just when we noticed it and did nothing about it for whatever reason.

Edited by blight

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lol the movie theater that we got here you can just walk in pritty much the ppl are idiots ive been able to see like three movies in a row and walk out the front door they NEVER check tickets leaving you can just walk from theater to theater watch any movie you want lol

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Here's how to get free drinks at the movies. Just go over to the garbage inside of the theater, get any of the empty sodas in there, and ask for a refill (Usually they offer you one free refill per cup and most people don't get refills). If you don't like the idea of drinking from some one else's cup then poke a small hole in it (anything that looks like it could have been an accident) and they'll replace it.

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LOL. i went to AMC 20 with my friend, we simply went under the fence when the ticker ripper wasnt looking and went in.

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we used to see ppl lettin their friends in the back doors. it's pretty effective if nobody's around.


and in Georgia, we have these Gypsies that always come to the theaters...they're full of tricks. the tricks are easy to spot because we know they're all thieves, so we were always watchin them like mad. but one of the more crafty tricks we saw was where a group of them...say 5...would come to a movie. a few minutes in, 1 of them would go out and say "i gotta run to my car real quick"...then they'd go to the box office, say sumthin like "we hafta leave because of a family emergency and need a refund"...and refund 4 of the 5 tickets...then that 1 person still has a ticket to get back in.


course, in either situation, we'd just wait a couple minutes, so they'd think they had gotten away with it, and then ask the whole group if we could see their tickets. but it's a fairly sound plan regardless. you just say "i lost my ticket" and they'll probably still make you leave...there isn't much they'll do in that situation i'd imagine. i mean, you know how likely it is they'll ban you, and then remember you next time?

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just walk under the rope fence. ur done


I would just purchase one ticket and then sneak into about 7 movies. Its well worth the money spent if you get more out of your purchase. :D

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i skate with a guy who owns a movie theater so i get in for free anyway but i dont get free snacks :/

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I would just purchase one ticket and then sneak into about 7 movies. Its well worth the money spent if you get more out of your purchase. :(

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